a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: star wars: x-wing Page 1 of 3

Blue Squadron Death Star Simulation

Before I jumped into my Paint Challenge, I was talking about solo X-wing and the experiences I was having. I did have a report in the works and I figured I should get it out before the details turn to mush.

X-wing On My Own

With my new Death Star board finished up, I decided to put it through its paces. The biggest question is “how” in this new age of social distance gaming. Until some tech improves, Solo is my only option (since I’m wanting to play physically and not use one of the online ports).

Luckily, Fantasy Flight has provided just such a solution: enter the Solo Play Open Alpha ruleset.

A New Power In the Universe

Back in January, I played a game of X-wing on a set of poorly made Death Star tiles and thought I should work on fixing them. With the downtime and my scattered hobby focus at the moment, I decided to get this project off my to-do list.

Gen Con 2018: Wrap-Up

With my Gen Con days concluded, I only have a quick wrap-up of some final thoughts and this year’s spoils.

Gen Con 2018: Day 4

The final day for Gen Con 2018 was upon us and there wasn’t much for me to do except run my last two events of the Con.  First up was my third annual Loopin’ Chewie tournament.

Gen Con 2018 Day 1

Day one Gen Con 2018 passed with a blur as I filled my schedule with events. It started off with X-wing 2.0’s preview tournament. This turned out to be more “preview” than “tournament” but was pretty fun even if winning didn’t actually mean anything.

The Con Is Approaching

T-minus two days until Gen Con 2018 but we leave tomorrow so I gots some work to do today.  Things are going alright as I was able to knock out some pending items yesterday.  Namely, I finished up the X-wing Uglies event I’m running.

Bounty Hunters and Ugly Pieces Of Ship

Sorry, no Walking Dead Wednesday today. I’ve been too focused on the upcoming CabinCon to work on anything else over the week.  The trip is nearly upon us and I’m just barely making it through.  Today, I finished up my bounty hunters and I think they turned out pretty well for blitzing through everything.

I don’t have a lot of time so I’ll just run through the rest of my shots of the bounty hunters from Imperial Assault as well as my Star Wars Uglies conversions.

Everything Old Is New Again

The big announcement this week was Fantasy Flight revising its cash cow, X-wing Miniatures game to a shiny 2.0.

X-wing has been so many things to me over the years but the game system was getting long in the tooth and I welcome the overhaul.

Makin’ It Ugly

Cutting apart my X-wing Miniatures Game Ghost model to customize the shuttle docking bay was just a precursor to my next big X-wing project: Uglies.

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