With scatter terrain, vegetation, docks, and even a villa ready, my Blood & Plunder board is coming together. I’m looking for a few more large pieces to place around and found a great looking tower to add.

With scatter terrain, vegetation, docks, and even a villa ready, my Blood & Plunder board is coming together. I’m looking for a few more large pieces to place around and found a great looking tower to add.
While totally unrelated to Thanksgiving or game pimping, I’ll use this moment of well-wishing to post something completely different: Annular Eclipse photos from October this year. Enjoy that turkey!
With my first land terrain piece done for Blood & Plunder, I moved on to scatter terrain and smaller items. I knew I wanted the standard Caribbean palm trees but there is then the question of storage. I decided I needed to print my own tree bases and would use cheap plastic trees to plug-n-play.
As we explore more of Blood & Plunder, it was inevitable that we would expand to bigger boats. My Austin opponent went there first by printing out a frigate model from Printable Scenery. Unfortunately, the print warped severely and was not very usable without a ton of work. He moved on to easier options but offered up the pieces to see what I could do with them.
I’ve always like red in games. If a player color option is available to choose, red is the one I grab. When first hearing of Infinity and checking out the army options, Nomads were my first choice because their stock scheme was red. I didn’t end up playing Nomads but got my chance to “choose red” when going for my T’au Kill Team.
Along with the work I did on Blood & Plunder, I also pushed through my Kill Team set. I had originally bought the Ork and Guardsmen starter but always wanted to try out T’au. The T’au + Sisters set came out so I immediately pivoted to them instead. As usual, I started with the terrain.
One of the big challenges I realized when putting together the Blood & Plunder: Raise the Black set was storage. You have minis and tokens and rulebooks and cards and dice which are normal. But then you have these ships with fragile masts and delicate sails. They aren’t all that fragile but they can’t be just thrown back into a box so I needed to improvise.
Even though I have not bought new miniatures this year, it takes a while for old kickstarter purchases to come in. One such venture was Firelock Games’ Raise the Black campaign for Blood & Plunder. I’d played a few games with Friend Colton’s forces and decided this kickstarter would be a great entry. I got in late so I didn’t have to wait years like those that originally went into the campaign but it still took time to get things.
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