a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

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Showcase: Hnefatafl, Tablut variant

Earlier this month, I was at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science and was inspired by some of the ancient game pieces they had on display to make my own Hnefatafl game.  I posted earlier about how I was making the pieces and sourcing for the board and today I have it all completed.  I’m beyond excited about how it all turned out and can’t wait to start playing the game.

Showcase: Last Night on Earth/Invasion from Outer Space

One of the first board games I really got into was Flying Frog Production’s Last Night on Earth zombie horror game.  The game first hit the shelves in 2007 and I picked it up right away due to its unique art style using edited studio photography in place of the more common painted or illustrated art of other games.

image from bgg, publisher

Showcase: Dropzone Commander Starter set (Resistance)

Over the past couple of years, I’ve been getting more and more into miniatures games.  It started with Fantasy Flight’s X-wing Miniatures Game which spoiled me with prepainted minis and no need for any terrain building.

My game group had seen a relatively new game around by Hawk Wargames and it looked fun but I didn’t want to jump back into the whole hobby side of modeling, painting, and terrain building unless the game was truly great. At Gen Con, Dropzone Commander, a 10mm skirmish war game had demos and we were able to finally try it out.  The game was a lot of fun and the miniatures seemed easy to paint with very little assembly.  To make it even easier, Hawk Wargames had the brilliant idea of making easy and great looking paper terrain so once you pick up a starter and do any minor assembly, you can throw it all down and get started.

Showcase: Assault on Hoth: The Empire Strikes Back

I’d had my eye on the old West End game, Assault on Hoth: The Empire Strikes Back, for a long time but I’m never a fan of chits and standees. So I decided to recreate a version like quite a few other BGGers and upgrade the components.

I finished this project earlier this year after working on it off and on for over a year but since Rogue One is hitting the theaters this weekend, these bad boys have been obsessively on my mind:


Showcase: Terror in Meeple City (Rampage)


I’ve always been a fan of dexterity games and so when I saw Repos Production‘s over-sized new monster smash up dexterity game, Rampage, at Gen Con in 2013, I knew I had to have it.

Showcase: Fury of Dracula

It’s October and time to break out the Halloween-themed games.  One game that tends to get pulled out every year is Fantasy Flight‘s Fury of Dracula.  I have the second edition but Fantasy Flight has since printed a third edition that I’m eager to see how it plays as well.


Showcase: Ventura

Ventura was one of those games that Fantasy Flight Games (FFG) brought over from its Italian publishing partner, Stratelibri, but never ended up taking off much in North America.  I found the game at Gen Con in 2011 when FFG was hyping up the release.  For whatever reason, our group actually enjoyed the theme and mechanics so I eventually picked it up.

image from Fantasay Flight Games

image from Fantasy Flight Games

Showcase: Rum & Bones

Rum & Bones was an unexpectedly good game that came out in 2015 from CMON (previously Cool Mini or Not). When I first saw the game, it didn’t seem like it would work but after playing it, Rum & Bones turned out to be quite fun.


original Rum & Bones laid out on my table

Showcase: Star Wars: Armada Tournament Case

That’s no Moon, it’s Space St- err, custom carrying case!

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