It was a long fight and it had some assistance from my kids this morning, and my wife later in the day, but I pulled through and completed 100 unique game plays over the year.
Category: 2018 Game Challenge
As 2018 quickly draws to a close, my game group decided to get a last game day in. We started at about 8:30 am at Reese’s and went all day, with the last of us leaving shortly before midnight. It was great, it was epic, and as always, a fun time with friends. I don’t know if we can make this a tradition but it seems like a great way to close out the year.
With 2018 coming to a close, I’m taking a look at my yearly challenges and, well, they don’t look good. The first one where I try to get through 100 games of a single game is going to fall woefully short. I’ll dive into the whys and wherefores after year’s end but getting more games of Walking Dead in before the end of the year won’t happen so even though it was abandoned long ago, I’ll officially admit defeat.

poor walking dead
So it is now July and that means I’m halfway through my game challenges so it is time to check in with how I’m doing.
For my “1×100” challenge, where I aim to play at least 100 different games at least one time, I’m doing pretty well. 58 total unique games so far for the year means I’m beating the average. CabinCon is always a good time to hit a wide variety of games and it did not disappoint. On the other challenge, however, I’m obviously struggling.
We just past the 10th week of the year and I thought it’d be a good time to take stock of the game challenges I had planned for the year. At this point, I’ll be on track or beating the curve if I’m 20 or more games into my respective challenges.
So let’s see how I’m doing, beginning with part 1, my 100 games of the Duke challenge.
My friends and I were looking for a time to get a lot of gaming in but realized we didn’t really have the time to go far so we decided to have a “house” Con. To us, a House Con is where someone hosts open house gaming for a time, usually a weekend or so and people come and go but we more or less treat it like round-the-clock gaming.
I’ve had all week to think about what, if any, game challenge I’d like to try in 2018. I thought about a doing another 6 x 6 or pushing to a 10 x 10 but the rigidity of the structure seems like it might limit what I try to play all year. I think the benefit of completing my 6×6 last year is it means I still have momentum to play most of the games on last years list. I’ll still do Dropzone either casually or at my local gaming store. My friend and I are still very much into the crunch of the Batman Miniature Game. I want to see what new thing Championship Formula Racing has in 2018 and might try out one of the PBEM (play by email) sessions. And Walking Dead is back to consuming a lot of my hobby time.
So the thought was to either do nothing or try something new and since I’m very goal-oriented, I chose the latter.