With a glut of new Infinity models and time to kill, I thought I’d start up another month-long Paint Challenge. I may not post everyday but I’ll catch up as often as possible.

It took me a while to get everything together and organized for this month so all I have is some quick starts. I selected some primed Infinity models and gave them all a quick dirty wash.

with those down, I moved on to my old west figures from Knuckle Dusters.

I’m just doing some heavy shadowing on the Wyatt Earp figure. This reminded me a lot of my “inked” Negan figures and I’m just experimenting with how I want to approach this “sepia” theme. Next will be maybe some blending and then highlighting the skin and brighter pieces.
Russ Spears
Boom, day 1: Travesti gets her dirty, dirty wash.
I know it’s a simple thing, but the wash on those Infinity minis is just right to help bring out the details. There was a guy, which I forget because he quit updating his blog long ago, that would do a light-dark wash to help “his old eyes see the detail”, which I quickly tried to adopt.
My best friend has long wanted to do western themed minis. I’ll have to get him to tag along and see what gloriousness you make.
HA! She just can’t catch a break!
I definitely like the wash. The next step on these is to usually dry brush the white back in to leave only the deepest recesses filled. The only danger I have with the wash is the details come out so well on the model that I don’t want to ruin the potential the model has with my painting. It is almost worse than a blank canvas syndrome (though I don’t actually feel any anxiety when painting).
With the old west figures, I’ve been trying to get this project done for years now and I finally reached that point to just do it. I finished the first figure yesterday so I should have him up shortly.