a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Category: Gaslands

Revving Up For The Big Lights

Sometimes you get distracted and then projects just fall off your work bench. In the case of Gaslands, it was 18 months since I last worked on anything for the game and it seemed with Gaslands Refueled released (the second edition of the game), I would just leave it all behind. But fate decided differently and for whatever reason I dusted off the rules and decided to make it happen.

Too Soon?

from Knight Models’ Facebook page

Yes. Yes it is.

Gaslands Deathrace Prep

Gaslands most popular game scenario is the “Deathrace” scenario featured prominently in the rulebook.  The main feature of the scenario is a last-man-standing race around a course, passing through various gates to get through the finish.  The Gaslands community has come up with a lot of different options for these gates but since I’m using a less popular scale at 10mm, I decided to check out some of the Dropzone Commander terrain out there and found a great set put out by 4Ground.

Accidental Find: Toy Terrain

The Gaslands Facebook page is a non-stop flow of treasure hunters looking for the next cool Hotwheels at their local supermarket or thrift store.  While I’m all set to use my half-scaled version from Dropzone Commander, I was curious to see what could be had at my local Walmart.

While not really something to post a “look at me!” thread on Facebook, I did find this little Cars 3 toy interesting for the flaming oil drums.  They looked like they were in scale with my 28-32mm terrain so I took a gamble and picked it.  If nothing else, the car could go to my boy and the obligatory other toys could go to rest of the minions when I got home.

Gaslands Templates Complete

Not much to this update but I was able to finish up my Gaslands templates.

Entering The World Of Post-Apocalyptic Vehicular Combat. Again.

It’s funny how quickly a fire can spread, especially with heavy winds. A particularly fast spreading wildfire just hit my game group hard and it has us all scrambling to keep up.  Gaslands is one of the Osprey “Blue Book” games’ series where they have a designer put together a rule system and setting in a very defined format.  The game, written/designed by Mike Hutchinson, came out last year but really took off with my group thanks to a review of it on the Secret Cabal gaming podcast.

In essence, the game rule set for miniature car/vehicle combat using template movement a la X-wing (without the hidden selection process).  The rule set is super cheap and picking it up is easy by buying the PDF of Osprey’s site or picking up a hardcopy off Amazon.

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