Back in January, I played a game of X-wing on a set of poorly made Death Star tiles and thought I should work on fixing them. With the downtime and my scattered hobby focus at the moment, I decided to get this project off my to-do list.

The warping of the tiles wasn’t something I could readily fix but I ground down the uneven tile sizes so they could better fit together. These are resin so I used a belt sander in the garage and a heavy duty mask as the resin particles are really bad for your lungs.

I also downloaded and printed a nice turbolaser battery from thingiverese and magnetized the top to swivel.

After all this, I was ready to paint. I went really simple on this by pulling a dark grey from Rustoleum’s car primer line.

After blowing through a full can for the nine tiles, I did a zenithal style with a light coat from about 2+ feet above (garage door closed to maximize the particles falling to the surface).

I let everything dry and air out for a few days. I applied the same process to the new turbolaser as well to make sure they all matched.

I mixed the turbolasers with a set from Gale Force Nine’s Battlefield in a Box series. The Death Star table complete, I can cross this one off the list and complete an item I’d wanted to make since I first played the game years ago.