a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Category: Comic

Walking Dead Comic Session Report #5

The year is drawing to a close and I wanted to make sure I got one last issue of my “The Real Adventures of Rick and Glenn!” comic in.  This issue completes the first arc I had intended and I hope to continue the next arc in 2018.

Enjoy! (click here or on the cover image to go to the comics page)

Walking Dead COMIC Wednesday: Solo City

It’s been awhile but my Comic Wednesday is back with another issue of The Real Adventures of Rick and Glenn!  This time, we go back to Atlanta to explore the old stomping grounds of Rick and Glenn in another scenario from the Days Gone Bye expansion.

Chapter 4: City Slicker

If you missed the previous issue, you can find it it my Comics link in the top menu.

Walking Dead COMIC Wednesday: Vs Mode

For this month’s comic, I tried something new by shooting the whole session at a game store.  It felt like a fitting place to do my first “competitive” session report. It went well and was interesting but I missed having the control of shooting at my home setup.

This time, my friend joined me to play through the last scenario in the Days Gone Bye expansion:

Chapter 3: Bad Blood

If you missed the previous issue, you can find it it my Comics link in the top menu.

Walking Dead COMIC Wednesday: Group Effort

Welcome back to this month’s Walking Dead COMIC Wednesday! I have a super-sized issue for you this week as we explore the next chapter in the Days Gone Bye expansion:

Chapter 2: Ready to Roll

If you missed the previous issue, you can find it it my Comics link in the top menu.

Walking Dead Wednesdays: Comic Timing

Lately, I’ve been working on a pet project that I’ve been wanting to do for a long time: comic-style session reports.  I first saw some of these on Boardgamegeek years ago and have always wanted to try it out.

Having played Walking Dead: All Out War in a few different iterations, I thought the game would lend itself very well to this style of session reporting.  It took a lot longer to make than I thought and then I had to do a lot of site work so that it could handle the comic presentation but it has been a lot of fun.

You’ll be able to navigate to each “issue” by going to the Comic link at the top of my header but I’ll also announce every time I have a new issue up through my regular Walking Dead Wednesday posts.  My goal is to have one of these out each month but we’ll see how that goes.  I have quite a few story arcs I’m running through but the question is always time.

I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1: Running Into Trouble

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