a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Month: May 2017

Walking Dead Wednesday: Scotch Silos

With the wave 2 Kickstarter packages getting sorted out and shipped from Mantic’s Warehouse, I thought I’d start working on more Greene farm terrain.  I’ve almost completed the Days Gone Bye scenarios so I need to get a jump start on the Greene farm material so I can hit the ground running.

Convention Season Prelude

This past weekend kicked off the start of my usual convention season prep with the annual Gen Con event registration.  This will be my eleventh Gen Con and one would think I’d be used to the stress and frustration of their event registration process but no such luck.

I can’t complain though. This is the 50th anniversary of Gen Con so there is a lot of demand for hot events and so getting into those requires some blind luck.  I was happy to make it into one of the sold out event slots for CMON’s upcoming Song of Ice and Fire miniatures game and I’m excited to go see They Might Be Giants.  I’ve wanted to see that band live for years now so having an exclusive event sounds like a great way to hear them.

Walking Dead COMIC Wednesday: Solo City

It’s been awhile but my Comic Wednesday is back with another issue of The Real Adventures of Rick and Glenn!  This time, we go back to Atlanta to explore the old stomping grounds of Rick and Glenn in another scenario from the Days Gone Bye expansion.

Chapter 4: City Slicker

If you missed the previous issue, you can find it it my Comics link in the top menu.

Dropzone Commander: Bringing Tanks to an Infantry fight.

A couple weeks back, I was able to get in another game of Dropzone Commander at Funtastic Games‘ Dropzone Commander monthly get together.  This time, my friend and I went to a 999 point Skirmish battle.

Walking Dead Wednesday: Pimping Out the Killzone

I recently picked up the new “Walker Premium Accessory” kit that Mantic makes for the Walking Dead: All Out War game and had a chance to put it through its paces. The small kit contains a long 10″ ruler/template for noise/mayhem and walker shambling and a clear acrylic Killzone template.

I’ve been wanting a clear Killzone template ever since I saw the stock cardboard template on the Kickstarter so I’m glad to see that Mantic decided to make one.  The template is a pretty standard clear acrylic with text etched in.

Time-lapsed Game Session

I got in another game of Championship Formula Racing, this time the human drivers outnumbered the Historical AI ones.  While it was likely too “artsy” for a good session report, I really liked my “simulator” session.  This time, however, I opted for a more traditional approach. We also messed around with recording the game in a time-lapsed format, which is linking after the main report.

Since this game was the first for a few players, we started with a warm-up test of a few rounds to get us through a couple of the track turns so that everyone could get a feel for how they wanted to set up their cars.

Walking Dead Wednesday: RV Upgrade

Even though I have fatherly affection for my silly, taped-up RV, I picked up the Mantic official RV to have a better looking model for the game.

Showcase: Hnefatafl, Tablut variant

Earlier this month, I was at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science and was inspired by some of the ancient game pieces they had on display to make my own Hnefatafl game.  I posted earlier about how I was making the pieces and sourcing for the board and today I have it all completed.  I’m beyond excited about how it all turned out and can’t wait to start playing the game.

Walking Dead Wednesday: Cheap Walls

I’ve been printing up some new paper craft buildings from the Fat Dragon city set I picked up awhile back but wasn’t paying attention and double printed some of the sheets.  Not wanting to just waste good material, I decide to reuse them with some foamcore and make some quick and easy walls.

Championship Formula Racing: Historical Drivers test

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