a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: championship formula racing

CabinCon Cup: Part 2, Nürburg

After a break, our team concluded our 2-game mini-cup with a 2-lap session of Nürburg. We all took a moment to re-tool our cars and I decided to create a lop-sided car with an 80 acceleration and a 40 deceleration.  To help compensate for all the late braking I might need to do, I dropped my skill in favor of more wear tokens.

After the bidding, I did slightly better than last time and came in 4th position.

CabinCon Prep: Tiny Ass Numbers on Tiny Ass Cars

With CabinCon (our yearly friend meet-up where we catch up and play games up in the mountains) starting Wednesday, there are few things I want to get done before I leave so today was a major prep day.

One thing I want to host this year is a Championship Formula Racing mini cup, a “CabinCon Cup,” if you will.  This will be two or three races with point scoring to determine the overall winner.  I picked up a set of 1957 F1 cars on Shapeways to serve as each player’s cars and as is our custom for CabinCon, these will be given away to each player along with whatever placement prize they achieve during the CabinCon Cup.

Convention Season Prelude

This past weekend kicked off the start of my usual convention season prep with the annual Gen Con event registration.  This will be my eleventh Gen Con and one would think I’d be used to the stress and frustration of their event registration process but no such luck.

I can’t complain though. This is the 50th anniversary of Gen Con so there is a lot of demand for hot events and so getting into those requires some blind luck.  I was happy to make it into one of the sold out event slots for CMON’s upcoming Song of Ice and Fire miniatures game and I’m excited to go see They Might Be Giants.  I’ve wanted to see that band live for years now so having an exclusive event sounds like a great way to hear them.

Time-lapsed Game Session

I got in another game of Championship Formula Racing, this time the human drivers outnumbered the Historical AI ones.  While it was likely too “artsy” for a good session report, I really liked my “simulator” session.  This time, however, I opted for a more traditional approach. We also messed around with recording the game in a time-lapsed format, which is linking after the main report.

Since this game was the first for a few players, we started with a warm-up test of a few rounds to get us through a couple of the track turns so that everyone could get a feel for how they wanted to set up their cars.

Championship Formula Racing: Historical Drivers test

Tiny Racers

I recently spent some time painting up something besides my black and white Walking Dead collection (shocking, I know).  I talked earlier about receiving Championship Formula Racing (CFR) and my 1976 F1 cars from Shapeways and I decided to start painting them up.

Before I get into that though, I also picked up a game I’ve had my eye on for a while now. This game also deals with racing but of a completely different era: Chariot Race by Eagle-Gryphon Games.

6×6 Gaming Challenge Update

I’ve had a concerning item on my 6×6 challenge list for a while and wasn’t sure if it would even release with enough time to get in my six plays but I was finally able to pick up this interesting item: Championship Formula Racing.

Game Challenges

I recently popped over to Sean’s Gaming and Shooting Blog, a fellow Walking Dead: All Out War fan, to check out some of his painting techniques and stumbled across an end of the year post about yearly game challenges.  Sean was pulling this from a post he saw at The Stronghold Rebuilt.

(i) Select a list of Six games. These can be miniature, card, board or role-playing games. You may change entries on the list during the year, but game-plays for games you drop should no longer count towards the challenge.
(ii) To start the challenge, post the link to your blog.
(iii) You commit to play each of  your six chosen games at least six times during the course of 2017.
(iv) When you play a game in your challenge list, record the play in your blog. This record can range from a one line acknowledgment to a full blow-by-blow report.

Gen Con 2016, Part 1


Gen Con 2016 was a whirlwind of gaming, events, meet-ups, and fun. This year I decided to forgo the multi-day tournament route and focus on smaller events/tournaments and check out some non-standard activities.  After 10 years of attending, I’m missing more and more so I’ve let go of that compulsion to try to do everything and just do what I can and what is fun.

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