a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: championship formula racing Page 1 of 2

Championship Formula Racing: Monte Carlo’s Revenge

A friend was in from out of town the other night and I knew he’d like the racing game, Championship Formula Racing, so I put it to the table and got us all set up for some three-way racing.  After the obligatory example through the first turn, we reset the track, configured our cars, and started it up.

Bret chose the black Lotus 77 with a slow start speed, high accel/decel and top speed and the worst skill option. Reese went with the blue Tyrrell P34 six-wheel and had lower than average accel/decel, high top speed and a fast start speed.  I decided on the orange March 761 with average accel/decel/start speed, higher top speed and wear, and lower skill.

Back To The Track

Earlier this week, I had the chance to break out Championship Formula Racing again. We had 6 players this time with four newbies and two veterans.  As is typical when I play the game with new players, we ran a “practice turn” where we start the race and get through the first turn so that players can understand the rules and have a better idea on building their car.

After the practice turn, we set up our cars and started out.

I started in 2nd position (in the ’57 red Ferrari-Lancia 801) but quickly took the lead in turn one. Wyeth was in the orange March 761, Louis was in the Yellow Penske PC4, Jonas in the Black Lotus 77, Sean in the white/red McLaren M23, and Colton bringing up the rear in the blue Tyrrell P34.

Gen Con 2018, T-minus 203 days

The beginning of the year doesn’t just include resolutions and goals but it means preparations.  Even though August is a ways off, planning for the biggest show of the year, Gen Con, starts now.  Yesterday, the first volley of activity for this great convention started with the opening of event submissions.

2017 6×6 Gaming Challenge Conclusion

Happy New Year! The end of 2017 saw a flurry of gaming as I finished up my year-long 6×6 challenge at the eleventh hour.

Silverstone 2-Lap With Me And 7 AI Racers

The weather finally turned around here and killed my last Championship Formula Racing game night so I decided to end my 2017 CFR 6×6 challenge with a maxed-out solo race against seven Historical Drivers.

Striking While The Iron Is Hot

I thought I was going to get in another solo game of Championship Formula Racing but after prepping more Dropzone minis, I’ve gotten into a sort of painting rhythm and I might as well keep going while I can.

First up, I finished the last little unit for a potential army list I’ll likely try out at the next DZC meetup this month.

Crunch Time

This week starts the last five weeks of the year and looking at my 6 x 6 Challenge list, things are looking pretty tight. I have five more games to get in to complete my challenge with Walking Dead dragging its heels with the least games played. Sad as I thought it would be one of the easiest to complete but I got a bit sidetracked. Since the remaining items seem pretty straight forward, I’ll be focusing a bit more energy to get Walking Dead to the table to try to finish out my Chapters series and mess around with some of the new missions in the later rule books.

After Walking Dead, I will have a few stragglers with one game left each.  Championship Formula Racing should be easy to get a game in again and I plan to do that this week.  Dropzone Commander has it’s last game already set up on the calendar as the local group completes another game in their ongoing Winter Campaign.  That leaves Batman Miniature Game.

Me, Farina, and the Fittipaldi Twins

I had some time this weekend and was in the mood for racin’ so I threw down a solo game of Championship Formula Racing.  I had to dust off the rules since I hadn’t played it since this summer but after about an hour of setup and reviewing the Historical Driver AI rules, I was ready to go.

This race went a little long so I’ll catch you after the jump.

New Track for Championship Formula Racing

Even though I’m still a bit distracted with the new Catacombs expansion, I found some time to print out a new board for Championship Formula Racing.

6×6 Gaming Challenge: Mid-year recap

Now that we’re in July, I thought I’d take a quick moment to recap where I’m at with my 6×6 Gaming Challenge. I always keep the running total up-to-date at the top, under my “About” header.

The good news is every game on my list has been played at least once. Even better news is I’m sitting at 20 games/sessions played out of 36 for the challenge so I’m beating the curve by a good 5%.  Let’s look at the details:

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