a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: infinity

Moving Forward

After pushing through some of the base painting of Fat Yuan Yuan, I got back in the rhythm and was able finish his “attack” sculpt up. The sculpt really started to come together at the end when I started working on the wash and shading. I didn’t much to highlight things and the brush was a bit sloppier than I would have liked but he’s done and that is the most important part.

Speed Bumps And Road Blocks

While I was really excited to get my new Infinity figures prepped, I still had one thing to complete before I could officially complete my Operation: Red Veil. The last mission, and likely the most interesting, has a “Yuan Yuan” character as a neutral AI figure causing trouble for everyone. If I had pre-ordered the starter when it first came out, I would have been able to receive a special promo Yuan Yuan figure. Since I didn’t, I only had a little token to represent the figure and that just wouldn’t do. So I went looking for a replacement and stumbled on this:

More Than Infinity

Since my friend and I are nearing the end of our Operation: Red Veil experience with Infinity, it was time to start looking at where to go next in Infinity. I already knew the first place I wanted to look was the model that single-handedly got me into the game, the Su Jian Immediate Action unit, “kitty” model.

Infinity Red Veil: Mission 4

For Infinity’s Operation: Red Veil, mission 4, I had a little bit more work to do as they added the Hsien Warrior. This is a pretty impressive figure with the imposing, Captain Morgan stance.

Infinity Red Veil: Mission 3

I’m behind on my reports as I just finished up Mission 4 from Infinity’s Red Veil set but I was able to upload Mission 3. This time, we add some fun new rules with figures that have camouflage and jump capability. The objective is the same: kill ’em all so we kind of know what to expect.

Non-Photo Friday: Infinity Mission 2

I’m not quite done with my photo for the week but I did have a quick Infinity night cap after our second Frostgrave session.

Weekend Update

This weekend turned out to be pretty busy as I pulled a double session with Frostgrave in my new library maze and then a quick follow-up game of Infinity.

Infinity Yu Jing: Red Veil

After my color scheme was finalized, I got to work painting up the first few models and made some good progress. It took some time settling on a color to match what I produced on the screen but I got something that was close enough using Army Painter’s Lava Orange with a healthy does of GW’s Agrax Earthshade wash.

Color Schemin’

With my first intro game of Infinity under my belt, it was time to start painting up some minis but I really struggled to figure out my army colors. I’m playing Yu Jing but yellow just isn’t my color. Nothing wrong with it but it’s not a color I want to paint with all the time or play with. Red is usually my goto but Infinity has a major faction, the Nomads, that studio paint typically red. And my friend already has his Nomads red and I don’t want to confuse things.

Lucky for me, Corvus Belli released concept art of the figures in an easy illustrated style that I can quickly mess with in Photoshop to see what I like.

A Journey Through The Infinite

I posted this on Instagram last week (@pimpmyboardgame) but was actually able to play a little bit of Infinity this weekend.

My friend has been talking about trying to start up Infinity for over a year when he picked up the starter Operation Ice Storm. I’ve been wanting to get a little sci-fi skirmish game going, having considered MERCS first, and finally settled on Infinity due to all the good press and spectacular models.

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