With all the work now done on the Infinity Guijia Squadron model, I was able to show off the last little addition I made. With this biggest Yu Jing model in the game and TAGs being more of a centerpiece unit, I really wanted to make things stand out so in addition to the custom base topper, I also decided to build a custom base to house an LED and have the base light up.
Tag: LED
Ominous, I know. But sometimes you are so wronged, so completely abused that you can do nothing else save sulk off and concoct a plan to get even. In case you didn’t know, my Frostgrave wizard suffered a huge loss in the last game at the hands of a player that shall remain nameless (well nameless here. I drop all sorts of names in the report).
My animal companion, Mutt, died brutally on the fields of ruin. It was a heavy blow and there was nothing left to do but pick up the pieces of that broken heart and move on.
I had wired up my new lanterns a while back but they still needed some finishing touches to complete them. Namely, they needed painting and some final assembly.
This week is a little bit of a change up. I didn’t have time to run The Pit this week so I’ll have to do a double dose for next week. I was, however, able to finish up a little side project with an extra truck miniature I picked up with the Collector’s Edition.
I already have two of these painted up so I wanted to do something a little different with a third open and, as I said just Monday, I’m really in to lighting things up. But first I need to see what is under the hood.
I have the last game of our Dropzone Commander Winter Campaign coming up and the event coordinator wants to use the Aegis Orbital Defense Laser as the focal point. I’ve been wanting one of these for a long time so I thought it was high time I picked one up.