I talked earlier about picking up the 3D files for some new Test of Honour lanterns and now I’ve received them and some LEDs from my friend, it’s time to get them working.

The build is really simple and the designer goes over it in detail on his site. Still it had some slight challenges and I’ll need to fiddle with the wiring a little more but overall it worked well.

I used some blue tac for the main central wire but the designer also recommends you bend the long part of the wire a little to use the tension to hold it in place.

After getting the second wire in the same way I just needed to add the light and the battery and there we go.

Another light up lantern for Test of Honour. I didn’t fully assemble and paint this yet because I wanted to make sure the lighting worked. The nice thing about it all is nothing is permanently in place so I’ll take it apart and prime it when the weather gets better.

I think I might have a problem, but I swear I can quit at any time.