a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: boardgamegeek Page 1 of 3

Going To Be A Long Summer

Skinning A Thief

For a few years now (or actually closer to a decade), my group and I have wondered about a curious deduction game called Master Thieves. This game centers around a wooden jewelry box contraption that the players manipulate to gain resources and win the game. We first encountered the game at BGG Con long ago but never tried it. With a $170 price tag on the secondary market and the game out of print, buying the game outright is a huge risk. Luckily, we have the technology to rebuild him. or her. it?

Hall Of Fame

This week I entered Boardgamegeek’s Photo Hall of Fame. I first entered in January 2018’s contest and though I didn’t do very well at first, I was able to garner enough votes over the next thirteen months to make it in. What I like most about the contests is it has gotten me back into focusing more on photography, something I’ve been missing for some time now. The contests have also been a fun way to see other creative talent taking game photography in new directions. Below are the photos that pushed me through to the end.

Photo Friday: Homage

My last Photo Friday focused on some art shots of Blood Rage miniatures and I hinted that there was both inspiration and purpose behind it. Today, I showcase what that was all about by emulating one of my favorite pieces of board game art, Vincent Dutrait’s Blood Rage poster from Boardgamegeek’s Artist Series #1.

Photo Friday: Win, Place, or Show

February brings to end a few contests that I’ve entered and with it, the results of my labors. Boardgamegeek held it’s annual Picture of the Year contest and the folks in the Dropzone Commander Facebook group were busy with a contest showing off your own custom creations. Before we get to deep into the results, this Friday’s photo took advantage of some of the natural scenery found in my backyard.

Self-Promotion and Self-Discipline

A quick shout out this Friday that BoardGameGeek’s monthly photography contest is up and looking for your thumbs! I have my Batman image entered so check it out if you like it and want to see it and other great images.

Life has gotten quite busy lately as we are moving so my posts will be a bit briefer as we go through all the packing and hoop-jumping that is involved with relocating, even when it is only a few miles away.

Just Milling About

So it’s been a few weeks since my last post but only because I’ve been head-down in a new project: learning CAD and CAM for milling on a CNC machine.

Way back at the beginning of the year, I was excited to have a brand new tool added to my pimping arsenal: a CNC Machine. The only issue was it was a kit I needed to build and I’m not so handy with building things this complex.

The project progressed in fits and starts until just a few weeks ago, I finally got everything all together and running.  I had to take a quick detour and clean out the garage and cobble together a quick workbench table to have room to run it all but I was able to knock that out in a weekend.

6×6 Gaming Challenge Update

I’ve had a concerning item on my 6×6 challenge list for a while and wasn’t sure if it would even release with enough time to get in my six plays but I was finally able to pick up this interesting item: Championship Formula Racing.

Walking Dead Wednesday: Prelude to Woodbury vs Core Set comparison

I saw a user on Boardgamegeek talk about only going with the Prelude to Woodbury expansion to start his collection in The Walking Dead: All Out War and never picking up the Core Set. I think this is perfectly doable but like in most things, there will be tradeoffs and balances to this approach.

I decided to research more into this and find out exactly what you’ll be missing if you go this route and what do you gain.

Game Challenges

I recently popped over to Sean’s Gaming and Shooting Blog, a fellow Walking Dead: All Out War fan, to check out some of his painting techniques and stumbled across an end of the year post about yearly game challenges.  Sean was pulling this from a post he saw at The Stronghold Rebuilt.

(i) Select a list of Six games. These can be miniature, card, board or role-playing games. You may change entries on the list during the year, but game-plays for games you drop should no longer count towards the challenge.
(ii) To start the challenge, post the link to your blog.
(iii) You commit to play each of  your six chosen games at least six times during the course of 2017.
(iv) When you play a game in your challenge list, record the play in your blog. This record can range from a one line acknowledgment to a full blow-by-blow report.

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