The distraction of my Paint Challenge had slowed down my progress on my Dropzone Commander solo variant but I’m happy to say I’m ready to push on. I’ve put together art for the cards, written the rules and first scenario, put together the rules in their own layout.

The cover came together alright by using the graphic layout I made for my cards (set up in the style of TTCombat’s own graphic layouts). Then used some of my own board and miniature images to add a little more personality to it all.

I have the rulebook working through the approval process on BoardGameGeek and will post a link when available. Otherwise I also have the rules pdf on the Dropzone Commander Community page on Facebook. These rules are a draft and I’ll be updating them as I find improvements but I’m pretty happy with how they’ve turned out.
edit: BGG link now available HERE

I also redid the cards a little based on my own testing and then put them in the new layout as well. They printed up easily and now I have the whole deck looking good.

I had extra room on the page so I added some stat cards for the Fauna and a reminder card for the Fauna rules (which is necessary as I didn’t include the spawning table in the rules… ah well).

The cards file will also be on BGG soon and is already on the Facebook community page. It’s been a lot of fun doing some graphic design again and I’m excited for the way these have turned out. With April winding down and my painting challenge coming to a close, I’ll be running more of these solo games to stress test the rules more and create more scenarios.

Speaking of which, I didn’t get the scenario into the rule book because I plan to have a campaign available and it didn’t make sense to include just one scenario. And looking at the image, I noticed that this one is a little out of date already. It’s nothing major but I hope to have a few more scenarios ready and will post the lot soon enough as well for anyone that is interested.