a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Striking While The Iron Is Hot

I thought I was going to get in another solo game of Championship Formula Racing but after prepping more Dropzone minis, I’ve gotten into a sort of painting rhythm and I might as well keep going while I can.

First up, I finished the last little unit for a potential army list I’ll likely try out at the next DZC meetup this month.

This guy was super simple with just some dry brushing slapped on over a black priming then picking out some minor details, clean up, blood stripe and done.  Another Kraken hovercraft transport ready to serve for the Resistance.

I still have my Walking Dead games to get through so I decided to finish up a long overdue addition to my group: Glenn.

Ah Glenn, always the runner.  I decided to take a bit more time to get some detailing on his hat.  Looking at the stock images in my TWD compilations, I couldn’t tell if the artist wanted him to be a Mets fan or Yankees so I decided he’d go for the Yanks.

Lucky for me, I have a new cheap brush that is fine enough for these details. Slow and steady with a bit of support really helped out here. That and having both the detail color and the background on hand to clean up the inevitable stray brush marks makes the job a bit easier and less nerve-wracking.

I couldn’t help but set up a quick little supply run photo op.  It’s good to see these two characters finally together.

With my new cheap brush, I know the fine tip won’t last long so I decided to keep hitting the tiny detail work.  The other reason I didn’t do a solo CFR game this week was because I caught wind of an opportunity to get a potentially large game going with some new players.  It likely won’t be too big but I only have six of my 1976 F1 cars painted and since my copy can handle eight players, I needed to get some additional cars in the garage just in case.

Sorry for the crappy depth of field on these next shots.  I didn’t have time to set up on a real camera so the terrible iPhone macro (or lack thereof) will have to do. This is an alternate paint scheme I’ve been wanting to try out for the Tyrrell P34.  Unfortunately, the livery for some of these cars really help break up the scheme even better but I didn’t want to try to freehand all that lettering.  I may try decals to finish up a lot of these cars.

Car eight in my collection is another alternate paint scheme for the Penske PC34, this time in the ATS theme.  I don’t know if this theme actually ran during 1976 as some of the reference images I was using dated 1977  with Hans Binder under the wheel.  It’s funny how wavy those lines look when viewed at the macro level. The effect is quite straight from a normal distance.  The yellow color gave me fits as my cheap craft paint (get what you pay for…) wasn’t really covering and looked almost greenish in hue.  I ended up making a custom color, which I hate doing on something that is going to require a lot of fine detail work.  I ended up making a big enough batch of the custom color to weather through all the rework those racing lines required so it all turned out in the end.

This concluded my eight car collection for CFR but I did have a few more cars sitting around and was feeling a longing for “the one that got away.”

Quite possibly my favorite color scheme goes to this Ferrari Lancia 801 from 1957. I had painted this once before as prize support for our race at Cabin Con this summer but I knew I had to eventually do it over again because it is just too cool to not have a copy.

A pretty productive week but now it’s time to game.  Next up will be to start prepping for the actual Walking Dead games as well as trying some lighting out for Batman.


MFin’ MFRs


Careful What You Click On

1 Comment

  1. Russ Spears

    While everything else is up to your excellent standards along with a good read – GREAT JOB ON GLENN!

    I just tried a Yankees hat myself, and nowhere near as good as yours. Keep it up!

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