As my “consecutive days painting” rolls on, I put it to good use by getting through some terrain projects I’ve been brewing for a while. First up is my Warcry (Fauxcry) starter set terrain.
I missed the boat getting the complete starter but was able to get the warband, cards, rules, and play board that I wanted. The only thing missing was terrain. I thought, initially, that I could just throw down whatever terrain I wanted or had on hand and you can but looking into the rules, they have nice set ups and random options that I thought were too good to ignore.
Given that, I decided to try to remake the terrain instead of overpaying on eBay. Using the image above as a guide, I went about recreating the models via Ulvheim’s free walls set on Thingiverse.
Using Cura’s slicer program, I merged a bunch of Ulvheim’s individual pieces into the basic shapes I needed. I also picked up some other 3D files from places like Printable Scenery. Notably the bridges and crenelated tower top for the broken statue head.
My printer crapped out halfway through the print run of these items and that made things a little tricky. The bed basically stopped sensing when to heat at random times and would cause the print to fail. I figured out a work around by tricking the system to never heat the bed but had some serious issues with warping prints. Anycubic is sending a replacement bed but I didn’t want to wait a month to print so I limped through the process and got the main stuff done.
It all ended up painting easily and I knocked out the whole set in a couple of days. I still have some work to do with filling in some of the arches… I didn’t realize that they should match completely so I’m waiting for the new bed before printing up some optional arch-fillers.
The cool think about Ulvheim’s terrain is that it can be very modular to make nice stacking options. I’ll be using this terrain for Frostgrave as well so the customizable layouts will come in handy.
I also need to find a bell to complete one of the iconic terrain pieces. That shouldn’t be too hard to find though.