a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: 3d terrain

Towering Above

With scatter terrain, vegetation, docks, and even a villa ready, my Blood & Plunder board is coming together. I’m looking for a few more large pieces to place around and found a great looking tower to add.

Dock Time

Getting the vegetation covered for my table, I want to have a way to get my crew back on shore from their boats. That means docks and boats.

Scenic Life

With my first land terrain piece done for Blood & Plunder, I moved on to scatter terrain and smaller items. I knew I wanted the standard Caribbean palm trees but there is then the question of storage. I decided I needed to print my own tree bases and would use cheap plastic trees to plug-n-play.

Truth In Advertising

Sean was talking about spicing up our terrain for Infinity and there was a Micro Arts Studio scatter piece that I really liked so instead of picking it up, I decided to try my hand at making my own.

Terraining The Days Away

As my “consecutive days painting” rolls on, I put it to good use by getting through some terrain projects I’ve been brewing for a while. First up is my Warcry (Fauxcry) starter set terrain.

The Ruined City: Overpass

The last item in my “phase 2” of my Dropzone Commander board was something I originally dismissed: a highway overpass. Colton has a small bridge overpass that we’ve used in games and it does well but I figured I already had the vertical options of my board solved with my differing board heights and canal run.

Frostgrave Campaign: Session 3

As mentioned earlier this week, a few of us got together to continue on with some more Frostgrave. We had originally called this a winter campaign but the days of winter have long past so I’ll just keep it simply as our campaign.

Back To Felstad

We were able to revisit the wonderful frozen city of Felstad this weekend as we threw down an epic game of Frostgrave. Sadly, I don’t have a report up yet but wanted to take a moment to show off some gratuitous setup shots that show off all the work Colton and Reese have done to bring Frostgrave to our table.

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