a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: 3d printing Page 1 of 4

Towering Above

With scatter terrain, vegetation, docks, and even a villa ready, my Blood & Plunder board is coming together. I’m looking for a few more large pieces to place around and found a great looking tower to add.

Dock Time

Getting the vegetation covered for my table, I want to have a way to get my crew back on shore from their boats. That means docks and boats.

Scenic Life

With my first land terrain piece done for Blood & Plunder, I moved on to scatter terrain and smaller items. I knew I wanted the standard Caribbean palm trees but there is then the question of storage. I decided I needed to print my own tree bases and would use cheap plastic trees to plug-n-play.

Legitimate Salvage

As we explore more of Blood & Plunder, it was inevitable that we would expand to bigger boats. My Austin opponent went there first by printing out a frigate model from Printable Scenery. Unfortunately, the print warped severely and was not very usable without a ton of work. He moved on to easier options but offered up the pieces to see what I could do with them.

Past Efforts

As this transition to life in Texas stretches onward, I’ve struggled to work on anything new. Most of my gaming and hobby time has grind to a halt as we wait for our house to finish up and most of my stuff stuck in storage. There are some signs of light at the end of the tunnel as things look to close in the next couple months. Still a ways to go but soon we’ll measure the time in weeks and days instead of vague months. That being said, I did have some projects I finished up right before the move and was able to carve out some time today to showcase them properly.

Mammoth Undertakings

In Warhammer Age of Sigmar, there is a legendary model produced by the Games Workshop partner, Forge World that I always considered way out of reach for my fledgling bout into the Slaves to Darkness faction. The Chaos War Mammoth is a massive model and carries an equally heavy price point at around $300 because it is discontinued. It was costly even before it was discontinued so it was never really in the cards for me to use.

Gifting Grasshoppers

While watching the Dice Abide twitchcast last week, I was fortunate enough to win one of their fantastic prize giveaways, a Grasshopper light dropship from Dragon’s Rest designs and printed by PrinTerrain. (yes, that is a lot of links for an opener)

Finding The Limits

I’m back working on some Age of Sigmar items but have some work ahead of me. I’ve been wanting a Chaos Warshrine for awhile but never picked one of for a variety of reasons. I found one cheap second-hand and snagged it. Unfortunately, it wasn’t complete and for some reason, I really wanted this missing item.

Fill My Eyes

After my first game with the Lu Duan holoecho remote, I realized I needed some holoecho markers to confuse my opponents. I don’t have any spare 55mm bases lying around but I do have this 3D printer thingie. Maybe that will work.

with that double vision

Truth In Advertising

Sean was talking about spicing up our terrain for Infinity and there was a Micro Arts Studio scatter piece that I really liked so instead of picking it up, I decided to try my hand at making my own.

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