a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Category: The Walking Dead: All Out War Page 4 of 8

Walking Dead Collection Complete

I finally have the last booster from The Walking Dead: All Out War wave 4 set and the collection is complete. Mantic has mentioned it already has wave 5 in the works but for now, I’m all caught up which means I have a lot of painting to do.

This is just the unpainted survivors.

Walking Dead Wednesday: Today, Kids Pit Free!

Today is unofficial Walking Dead Kids Day. I just declared it for no other reason than the fact that I painted up a few more survivors and they are decidedly pint-sized.

I’d already painted up Carl, Duane, and the Twins so I decided to finish out the “Children of The Walking Dead” by working on Clementine and Sophia.

Walking Dead Wednesday: Brawlin’ Bros

See I caught ’em wit a right hook, caught ’em wit a jab
Caught ’em wit an uppercut, kicked ’em in his ass

I have a lot of figures still to paint for Walking Dead: All Out War so I decided to start grouping them and today I have the pair of knuckle-sandwich throwing Survivors, Arnold Greene and Axel.

Walking Dead Wednesday: Horsin’ Around

Another busy week so I didn’t get to work up anything new but did manage another Pit scenario.  This time I take a look back at a custom creation of mine: Horse.

Walking Dead Wednesday: Pit Stop

I was finally able to get back on track with Liam and his ever-looming date with The Pit.

Since I was behind, I have an extra survivor’s Pit story in today as well.  Beware a mother’s wrath…

Walking Dead Wednesday: Liam Gains Another Week

Life has really kicked into gear lately leaving me with very little time to game or pimp out things. Sadly, that means still no Pit this week but I did finish up the next victim, Liam.

Not much to say about this poor chap.  He gets two, maybe three panels in the entire Walking Dead series and didn’t seem like he was that bad of a guy. Now if only I could get some time to throw him in The Pit to see how he fares.  Maybe next week, Liam.

Walking Dead Wednesday: Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire

This week is a little bit of a change up.  I didn’t have time to run The Pit this week so I’ll have to do a double dose for next week.  I was, however, able to finish up a little side project with an extra truck miniature I picked up with the Collector’s Edition.

I already have two of these painted up so I wanted to do something a little different with a third open and, as I said just Monday, I’m really in to lighting things up. But first I need to see what is under the hood.

Walking Dead Wednesday: The Quick And The Dead

Nothing new on the painting front for Walking Dead: All Out War this week but I did catch a whiff of something beyond wave four on the horizon: The Governor’s Fish Tanks in another Resin kit.

Looks like it was accidentally leaked by a store in their preview entries and a Facebook user caught it. Eventually Steward Gibbs of Mantic confirmed the release and provided the above image.

Walking Dead Wednesday: Tiger, Tiger…

…Burning bright,
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

-William Blake

Rawr! It’s Shiva painting time!

Walking Dead Wednesday (Evening Edition): Pit Buddies

Alright, so with my new Sniper variant underway, I wanted to break for a little bit before hitting up my next session of The Pit.

This time, we’re going to throw in another twofer (Pit be hungry, yo) with Billy & Ben.

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