a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: dropzone commander Page 12 of 13

Prime Time!

Fall is here in Colorado and minis painters know that can only mean one thing: Winter is coming.  More importantly, spray paint-killing cold weather is coming. So like most minis painters that don’t have an indoor vent box, I’m doing my fall priming to get models ready for painting during the longer winter months.

Before I can even prime models though, I have to clean them.  I’m working on getting through my current Dropzone Commander backlog so today I’m working on Hawk Wargames miniatures.  Hawk produces some pretty clean models and I’ve only encountered one set out of all my purchases that had enough flash on the sprues to make life difficult. Seeing how I’ve bought at least 20 different little model sets from them, I’d say that is pretty good.

Storage Wars

I picked up some pluck foam the other day so that I could finally properly store my Dropzone Commander minis and it got me thinking of game storage solutions and where we are in the industry.


Big Doins

No, not “doyns,” “do-INZ.”  Big stuff is brewing.  I teased this photo back when I was exploring The Cave:


New Dropzone Commander: Reconquest Phase 2

The latest Dropzone Commander book, Reconquest Phase 2, came out a couple weeks back and I was able to get my copy the other night.  In celebration, a group of friends threw down a four player, 1000 pt army mash up.  Brian hosted and put together the scenario “Survey and Control.”


Survey and Control ready for action

Gen Con 2016, Part 4

click here to see part 1 of this series.

click here to see part 2 of this series.

click here to see part 3 of this series.


Sunday was the last official day of Gen Con 2016 and I’m always a little lost on what to do.  The Dealer Hall is a good option to find last minute deals or get in that last demo of a game you’ve been eyeing.  This year, I was trying something a little different- I was running a few events.

Gen Con 2016, Part 1


Gen Con 2016 was a whirlwind of gaming, events, meet-ups, and fun. This year I decided to forgo the multi-day tournament route and focus on smaller events/tournaments and check out some non-standard activities.  After 10 years of attending, I’m missing more and more so I’ve let go of that compulsion to try to do everything and just do what I can and what is fun.

Gen Con 2016 Prep: T-minus 1 day to departure

The final prep day.  Yesterday worked out well as I was able to finish up my Dropzone Commander Battle Buses.

bus group final

Gen Con 2016 Prep: T-minus 2 days to departure

So Sunday was productive.  I drilled and bolted all the Loopin’ Chewie arms together and then stickered all the tokens and game bits.

chewie legion

Next, I started working on the trophy plaque.

Gen Con 2016 Prep: T-minus 3 days to departure

So Gen Con is less than a week away and I have quite a bit of stuff left to do.  This year, I decided to try my hand at running a few events.  Since I feel spiritually responsible for bringing Loopin’ Chewie into this world, I decided to run a fun little Loopin’ Chewie tournament.  The game might not be selling that hot as I was able to pick up quite a few copies for cheap at various big box stores. Regardless, maybe I can, in my small way, help bring some life into it again.

I have quite a few things I need to do to get these games up to snuff.  There is the mundane stickering that will need to be done but I also find the separated paddle arm to be too flimsy to really hold up to the punishment of tournament play.

Cabin Con 2016 Prep part 2

So this is the last weekend to get ready for our annual Cabin Con gaming and I’m still prepping material for some games.  I’ve been making progress on my components but I’m still pretty behind.  I’ll likely need to start scratching things off the list to make sure I can finish the most pressing projects in time.

First up are my Battle Buses from Dropzone Commander for use first in my Thunder Road Skull City variant.

battle bus

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