90 consecutive days of painting was the eventual milestone I reached last Friday when I set out to see how long I could keep up a painting streak. I reached a point on Saturday where I had the choice of pushing onward or relaxing into a less regimented approach to my hobby work. The temptation to “chill” was too great and I decided to end the great ride.

All-in-all, it was quite the productive ride.
- 43 minis painted (Warcry warband, Wild West, and Infinity)
- 2 full terrain sets finished (Warcry and Wild West)
- Archaon the Everchosen nearing completion
It’s that last one that is the only regret not pushing forward. Archaon was part of my goal in my 30 for 30 painting challenge for April. He proved too powerful to defeat then and even too great for my 90 days. Of course, there was plenty to distract me with side quests like completing my Wild West set.

Or getting a working copy of Warcry printed up and ready.

And of course all the Infinity I kept working on as that rolled in. In the end though, the side quests and distractions did their job and left me ill-prepared to push those final miles and finish the mighty Everchosen. He is so very near done that I don’t doubt he will be completed in the next few days but I have underestimated him before to my great dismay.
And Archaon, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting
On the dusty middle glass shelf just above my cabinet door;