Day 90 – with Infinity done for the week, I turn back to Archaon and his base. Day 89 – finished up the Pheasant Rank Agent Day 88 – a pair of Madtraps near completion Day 87 – another twofer finished. Gui Feng and Zhanying Day 86 – Gui Feng and a Zhanying getting their initial coats doneDay 85 – after a lot of prep, starting to work on Archaon’s base. Day 84 – finished up some remotesDay 83 – a quick bit of paint on some consoles Day 82 – starting up the Yaokong remotesDay 81 – finished my engineerDay 80 – finished up AdilDay 79 – Armoring Adil MehmutDay 78 – worked faces todayDay 77 – priming up more Infinity Day 75 – threefer! Doctor and two Yaozao helper bots Day 75 – wash lining some little Infinity remotesDay 74 – finished up the Daofei Day 73 – while I figure out Archaon’s base, it’s back to Infinity Day 72 – can’t tell but I fixed a bunch of issues with where paint wore off through excess handling. Day 71 – finished the main models with some fiery runes. Next is clean up and basing.Day 70 – finished up the bone et al. Tried a second highlight but it kept turning out too bright so I scrapped itDay 69 – finished second coat on the horns, bone, etc. then applied shade. Day 68 – first pass layer on all the teeth, skulls, claws, and bone. It is all over DorgharDay 67 – finished the skulls and hornsDay 66 – working up Archaon’s horns and skulls Day 65 – sword completeDay 64 – camp painting some infinity consoles Day 63 – sealed up my Untamed Beasts Day 62 – topknot complete and started the sword Day 61 – finished the shading and highlighting of the cloakDay 60 – starting on Archaon’s cloak Day 59 – leather is now complete and I tidied up some of the stray brush strokesDay 58 – finished up all the gold and silver on both Archaon and DorgharDay 57 – gold highlighting on Archaon specifically Day 56 – got the color I needed so started the gold highlighting on DorgharDay 55 – another Infinity figure down. This time Liang Kai.Day 54 – Infinity Guilang is done. I realized I don’t have the next color for Archaon so I’ll finish up some infinity until I can get what I need. Day 53 – I didn’t abandon Archaon but while the shade on the gold was drying I started on another Infinity model. Day 52 – Archaon loves the blingDay 51 – Golding up the armorDay 50 – back to Archaon and some dark armor edge highlighting Day 49 – priming some more InfinityDay 48 – Infinity Jujak complete Day 47 – switching gears to quickly add an Infinity Jujak infantry for an upcoming Code One gameDay 46 – re-establishing the black on the armor plating. Day 45 – mouth, tongue, and eyes and finally assembled on the main body Day 44 – beak highlighting Day 43 – tzeentch beakDay 42 – tzeentch head highlighting Day 41 – tzeentch head basing and shadingDay 40 – khorne head skin and hair complete Day 39 – finished nurgle skin and started khorne headDay 38 – base and first layer done on Nurgle headDay 37 – finished furDay 36 – base coating the furDay 35 – dry brush highlighting then stippling the wing edges to finish them off. Day 34 – wing shading Day 33 – had to spend some time cleaning up the wing membranes and digitsDay 32 – base layer of wings complete Day 31 – little over halfway now on the backside of the wingsDay 30 – back to Archaon the Everchosen, Grand Marshal of the Apocalypse. 2 hours of wing games. Day 29 – triple feature! Last 3 Untamed Beasts complete Day 28 – beast #7Day 27 – beast speaker Day 26 – beast #5Day 25 – Untamed Beast #4 rawr Day 24 – Untamed Beast #3Day 23 – another Untamed Beast done for Warcry Day 22 – finishing buildings by adding some color to the doors.Day 21 – finished up the buildings except some doorsDay 20 – redid priming and started on lettering for another building Day 19 – trying out texture on an old west buildingDay 18 – starting on the BankDay 17 – some roofing on my little churchDay 16 – starting up on some WarCry figures now.Day 15 – finished up the main FauxCry pieces. Just need to figure out the scatter pieces. Day 14 – more painting up FauxCry terrainDay 13 – Priming terrain Day 12- FauxCry terrain. Base levels Day 11 – last of the figures. Now on to the terrain.Day 10Day 9Day 8 (2): this cowboy had no weapons so I armed him with an axe from the Barbarian Frostgrave sprue.Day 8 (1)Day 7Day 6 – Cowboy Gang basingDay 5Day 4Day 3Day 2Day 1
Hi, I stumbled across your blog while unicorn hunting.
The particular unicorn I am hunting is the variant of the Guijia Squadrons miniature that was available as part of the 2019 tournament pack.
If you still have the miniature, would you consider selling it? I understand if you don’t want to, and if you have already been inundated with similar requests then I apologise for being a further inconvenience.
Hi Matthew, I feel your pain. That Guijia sculpt is something I was looking for for a long time and won’t be able to sell. Thanks for checking on my blog!
Nice job on the figures (Day 9 is my fav so far – not sure why but I just like the look). Really looking forward to terrain. And horses. There’s horses, right?
What’s funny is I saw your comment and hadn’t had a chance to go back and check on who was on day 9 but had a feeling it was this same one I liked most 😀 That Thomas Haden Church model from Tombstone is a nice sculpt and the colors seemed to work out on him.
No horses yet but I have my eye on a few different horse sets so hopefully soon!
Untamed Beast #4 is going to round out my likes for the month – in part because I’m always intimidated when it comes to painting animals (or animal based?). Nice job on those eyes,
Good luck with remote/virtual Chewie this weekend!
Matthew Hipkin
Hi, I stumbled across your blog while unicorn hunting.
The particular unicorn I am hunting is the variant of the Guijia Squadrons miniature that was available as part of the 2019 tournament pack.
If you still have the miniature, would you consider selling it? I understand if you don’t want to, and if you have already been inundated with similar requests then I apologise for being a further inconvenience.
Kind regards.
Hi Matthew, I feel your pain. That Guijia sculpt is something I was looking for for a long time and won’t be able to sell. Thanks for checking on my blog!
Russ Spears
Nice job on the figures (Day 9 is my fav so far – not sure why but I just like the look). Really looking forward to terrain. And horses. There’s horses, right?
What’s funny is I saw your comment and hadn’t had a chance to go back and check on who was on day 9 but had a feeling it was this same one I liked most 😀 That Thomas Haden Church model from Tombstone is a nice sculpt and the colors seemed to work out on him.
No horses yet but I have my eye on a few different horse sets so hopefully soon!
Russ Spears
Untamed Beast #4 is going to round out my likes for the month – in part because I’m always intimidated when it comes to painting animals (or animal based?). Nice job on those eyes,
Good luck with remote/virtual Chewie this weekend!