Day one Gen Con 2018 passed with a blur as I filled my schedule with events. It started off with X-wing 2.0’s preview tournament. This turned out to be more “preview” than “tournament” but was pretty fun even if winning didn’t actually mean anything.
Category: A Song of Ice & Fire
So after our first game of A Song of Ice & Fire Miniatures Game, I’ve had some time to collect my thoughts. As a quick recap, we played a 30 point “small” game using only the starter set. The army lists were netdecked from the Kickstarter updates that featured some initial build lists.
With most of my Kickstarter package in from A Song of Ice & Fire Miniatures Game in, I pushed to get it to the table and finally put it through its paces. My friend and I had a chance to play a demo of the game back at last year’s Gen Con but the experience was pretty piss poor. I’ve watched several playthroughs online and read the rules fully so was hopeful that we could see the game in the best light this time.
Move over Walking Dead, without warning, this arrived the yesterday:
I knew it was en route generally speaking but didn’t get a tracking number or anything for this new CMON monstrosity. The game was highly anticipated and is none other than the new A Song of Ice & Fire Tabletop Miniatures Game. That is a pretty big mouthful so I’ll shorten it to ASOIF for short.
This past weekend kicked off the start of my usual convention season prep with the annual Gen Con event registration. This will be my eleventh Gen Con and one would think I’d be used to the stress and frustration of their event registration process but no such luck.
I can’t complain though. This is the 50th anniversary of Gen Con so there is a lot of demand for hot events and so getting into those requires some blind luck. I was happy to make it into one of the sold out event slots for CMON’s upcoming Song of Ice and Fire miniatures game and I’m excited to go see They Might Be Giants. I’ve wanted to see that band live for years now so having an exclusive event sounds like a great way to hear them.