With my catalog of painting faces through Infinity models, I found I had another face to paint up before jumping into a lot of helmeted heavy infantry. I decided it might be fun to show the successive stages of how I was painting faces now, using the LazyPainter technique.
Tag: wash
Switching gears from Dropzone for a bit, I went back to HATE. Last I left this project, I had completed a sample painting of an extra miniature. Ready to jump back in and work some more of the game, I started with the terrain. I always like to start with terrain as it is one of the few things that will be used in almost every game.
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a great Christmas holiday. I used the break to line up a little more of what I needed to do to complete my large Test of Honour terrain piece. The biggest concern I had was how to wash the piece effectively without bulking up on expensive pre-made products. I decided to try my hand at making my own wash to see if it would work.