a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: storage

Kill Team Ruins

Along with the work I did on Blood & Plunder, I also pushed through my Kill Team set. I had originally bought the Ork and Guardsmen starter but always wanted to try out T’au. The T’au + Sisters set came out so I immediately pivoted to them instead. As usual, I started with the terrain.

Storing The Black

One of the big challenges I realized when putting together the Blood & Plunder: Raise the Black set was storage. You have minis and tokens and rulebooks and cards and dice which are normal. But then you have these ships with fragile masts and delicate sails. They aren’t all that fragile but they can’t be just thrown back into a box so I needed to improvise.

Why Don’t You Come With Me Little Gnome

My Greyrock band is really coming together and all they need is an intelligent leader to guide them to victory. The mage, my Gnome Magister, is no conjurer of cheap tricks. Instead, he is a master of the elements and surfer of the thermal waves. This Magister is a magical extraordinaire who takes to battle in an enchanted flying carpet so he can guide the team from above while dealing with terrible foes with his eldritch might.

Storing Blood Rage

Last week I hinted at the storage issues that come with Blood Rage and I’ve been working on taming the plastic coming from that collection. I know that several professional manufacturers offer kits for storing the game all in one box but with the 3D Printer, I figured I could work it out on my own.

Storage Wars

I picked up some pluck foam the other day so that I could finally properly store my Dropzone Commander minis and it got me thinking of game storage solutions and where we are in the industry.


Showcase: Star Wars: Armada Tournament Case

That’s no Moon, it’s Space St- err, custom carrying case!

Tuck boxes

One of the first things I ever did to pimp out a game was make tuck boxes for various game card decks.  Sometimes tuck boxes are necessary for a game due to poor insert design or because you’ve expanded a game too much and had to ditch the insert all together. Other times, tuck boxes are a natural pimping addition to help explore more of the theme of the game while keeping things organized.


Showcase: X-wing Miniatures case

I was trying to figure out how best to carry my X-wing miniatures models as I started traveling to tournaments both locally and farther away like Indianapolis’ GenCon and Fantasy Flight’s Worlds competition held Minnesota.  I randomly stopped at a garage sale (something I do maybe once every few years) and happened to find an old Star Wars action figure case for $3 (Power of the Force Millennium Falcon edition from Kenner produced around 1996).  Once I saw it, I knew it would work perfect as a case for my X-wing minis.

Falcon Case blog

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