I’m still working on the Dracula’s America posse builder as friend Reese offered to help run some validation in the file. He’s already finished it, I’m just behind in checking it over. In the mean time, I set up Act II of my solo campaign and gave it a run through to figure out if I need to make any tweaks.
Tag: sepia Page 1 of 2
We’re nearing the end of January and with it, the dusty winds of Little Church will blow through and push me on to next month’s project. But before we leave this dry patch of sepia-tinted earth, I have one last thing to do: Play! Of course, last month I had the chance to put it all on the table but I wasn’t quite ready. With everything I’ve done now, I want to get in a good show before I move on. With no opponents around, I jumped into a solo game.
I’m nearing the end of my plans for my Old West set and the specifics I’m creating for Dracula’s America. I have a few last items I want to wrap up before the end of the month to close the book on this project so that it can pull out and play at a moments notice. One of those items is finishing up the interior of my buildings.
Working more on my old west terrain and figures, I was able to work up my bystander miniatures. Wanting to stay in the same style and scale as my current minis, I ordered five bystanders from Knuckduster’s Gunfighter’s Ball line of minis.
After finally getting a game in of Dracula’s America while out with Taylor, I saw some glaring holes in my setup and I’m taking the month of January to fix up and “finalize” my whole old west setup. The biggest error was missing the fact that the full game needs bystanders and I had none prepared, not even some languishing unopened in a box or drawer. I promptly ordered what I needed and used the shipping time to fix up some of my terrain as well.
I actually meant to dovetail this with my last post but didn’t have time. The other terrain I was able to complete was for my Old West setting. I showed a few of these during my ongoing paint challenge but was able to take a few more shots to show it all off.
With Wyatt Earp complete, I moved on to his older brother, Virgil last night. This was done in the same style as before and I’m working up a quick photo guide on how I’m doing this as well.
For day 4, I’ll just keep pushing through these Old West figures before I distract myself with something like Infinity.
I dedicated day 2 completely to the finishing of my first old west figure.
I was pretty excited getting Wyatt Earp finished up in this style. What I find interesting is it isn’t quite like the monochromatic style I did with my black and white Walking Dead.
I’ll dedicate some time to really define the differences later but I really felt blending the Inked style I was doing earlier with Here’s Negan and the original B/W Walking Dead came together in this Sepia style I’m going for. On to more western heroes tonight.
Gen Con is steadily approaching and I’ve got a few more irons in the fire before I go. I’m not sure what all I’ll finish up but we’ll give it a go and see what works before time runs out. Up first is a project I’ve had in mind for years now and I’m finally getting somewhere with it thanks to the help of Colton and Reese.