Working more on my old west terrain and figures, I was able to work up my bystander miniatures. Wanting to stay in the same style and scale as my current minis, I ordered five bystanders from Knuckduster’s Gunfighter’s Ball line of minis.

First up, we have a grim Gravedigger and stiff Station Attendant. While I’m still trying to paint these up just to a tabletop standard, I did take some time to do a little detail work like the Attendant’s watch.

The watch face looks better with some distance but I was happy it turned out at all and with minimal fuss.

Next up is the Undertaker. This guy owns the biggest building in town and is likely the most powerful figure in any town dealings.

Competing for that power is the Judge or Minister (depending on how you want to play him). I’ll likely use him as a minister since the town centers around the church but I like the flexibility he can offer.

Lastly, we have the Madonna and Child as a twofer bystander. I decided to do some freehand on the apron to add a little extra to the otherwise plain figure.

This completes my bystanders for any one-off games of Dracula’s America. As with any game or system, it is always nice to have more for variety and I may expand my bystanders a little more but at least I have the minimum complete now.

With some time left in the month, I have a few last items I want to work on before I close the chapter on this game system. I’ll have more show when some special things arrive.