The last item in my “phase 2” of my Dropzone Commander board was something I originally dismissed: a highway overpass. Colton has a small bridge overpass that we’ve used in games and it does well but I figured I already had the vertical options of my board solved with my differing board heights and canal run.
Tag: ruinscape
After cutting apart one of the existing paper terrain buildings from the Dropzone Commander Ruinscape set, I found that I really liked that even some simple cuts can created fun new terrain options while still maintaining the “fold down” quality of the originals. I decided to explore this a little more.
With the bulk of my city planning done for what I’m now calling “phase 1”, it was time to dot some “i’s” and cross those “t’s”. Namely, I wanted to get this phase into a more finished state and it would start with the foam tiles.
Digging through some unfinished terrain projects I stumbled upon a shrink-wrapped TTCombat building I picked up a while back: the Dicington Tower.
After working up a lot of pimped-out items for my copy of Thunder Road, I’m still finding I want to do more. I want to add some different features and I started thinking of possibly moving it to a new setting and an urban Death Race theme seemed appropriate and interesting.
When I first picked up Thunder Road, I noticed the UK version (the one I own) is actually a great match for the 10mm Dropzone Commander‘s scale models.