a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: catacombs Page 1 of 2

Gen Con 2019: Haul

With Gen Con over and my Recaps done, I finally had time to put everything away and get life back to normal. While putting everything back is never the most exciting thing to do, it does give me time to see what all I came home with.

Gen Con Recap 2019: Catacombs Cubes

While most of my time out at Gen Con is playing and hosting games, I also enjoy meeting up with publishers and designers to discuss their upcoming projects. I’ve been working with Aron West out at Elzra Games, developer of the Catacombs series of dexterity games. A new, non-dexterity game that Elzra has in development is Catacombs Cubes.

Gen Con Recap 2019: Day 2

With Day 1 of Gen Con down, my main dealer hall day comes up and I have several games I want to see in action to judge if they are shelf-worthy.

Gen Con 2019 Events

This past Sunday, Gen Con released their 2019 event listings (or at least the first crop of them). As I’ve done for the past eleven years, I’ll be heading out to Indy this August and for the fourth year in a row, I’ll be hosting a few events at the Con.

Gen Con 2018 Day 2

Gen Con 2018 Day two began a little later, thankfully and was tournament-free.  Up first was the Frostgrave Event with the designer, Joseph McCullough.

The Con Is Approaching

T-minus two days until Gen Con 2018 but we leave tomorrow so I gots some work to do today.  Things are going alright as I was able to knock out some pending items yesterday.  Namely, I finished up the X-wing Uglies event I’m running.

Gen Con 2018, T-minus 203 days

The beginning of the year doesn’t just include resolutions and goals but it means preparations.  Even though August is a ways off, planning for the biggest show of the year, Gen Con, starts now.  Yesterday, the first volley of activity for this great convention started with the opening of event submissions.

Gen Con 50 Recap Day 2

As I said in my Day 1 report, seeing the Time of Legends: Joan of Arc display case had me ditching events to check it out in the dealer hall.   My friend and I lined up at the appropriate entrance and bee-lined to the Mythic Games booth to sit down for a demo as soon as the hall opened.

Catacombs: An Experiment In 3D

Catacombs, the dexterity disc-flicking dungeon crawl game, is easily my favorite dexterity game out there.  I’m a big fan of dexterity games anyway but Catacombs has always struck me as the perfect balance between dexterity game and narrative story.

catacombs box cover from the publisher (on BGG)

Catacombs: Wyverns of Wylemuir Preview

I got a nice surprise in the mail the other day, an advanced copy of the next Catacombs expansion, Wyverns of Wylemuir.  I helped Elzra Games proofread the manual and components and as a fantastic thank you gesture, they sent me my copy early. This is a full expansion similar to Cavern of Soloth so you need the base game to play it.  I believe there are a couple of other copies floating around as it was available to purchase at Dice Tower Con.

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