a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: battle report Page 2 of 3

Tying It All Together

We’re nearing the end of January and with it, the dusty winds of Little Church will blow through and push me on to next month’s project. But before we leave this dry patch of sepia-tinted earth, I have one last thing to do: Play! Of course, last month I had the chance to put it all on the table but I wasn’t quite ready. With everything I’ve done now, I want to get in a good show before I move on. With no opponents around, I jumped into a solo game.

Blood & Plundering

A while back, friend Colton embarked on a new frontier: Blood & Plunder by Firelock Games. This mostly historical miniatures skirmish game was talked about a lot but being the only owner in the group, there was not a lot of initiative to get it together and push it on his fellow gamers. Flash forward to now and his minis are painted, his terrain is set, and friend Colton is spoiling for a fight.


While things aren’t completely back to normal, I was able to get in another game of Warcry. Same lists again this time: my box-standard group of Untamed Beasts vs Colton’s box-standard group of Splintered Fang.

The Long Road To War

I’ve been watching Warcry (the Games Workship, Age of Sigmar skirmish game) from afar for a long time. I first played a demo at GenCon almost 2 years ago. Then I jumped in early last year by picking up the Untamed Beasts faction. During the painting binges of 2020, I also printed out and painted terrain as well as finished up painting the models as well. And now almost a year after completing all of that, I got in my first game.

Infinity: Catscapades

Digital Dropzone Testing

With my work in Tabletop Simulator for Dropzone Commander far enough along for testing, Colton and I threw down a virtual game. We went wake back to basics, with only a small 500 point force each on the “Targets of Opportunity” bellwether scenario.

Infinity N4: Varuna Versus Invincible Army

Revving Up For The Big Lights

Sometimes you get distracted and then projects just fall off your work bench. In the case of Gaslands, it was 18 months since I last worked on anything for the game and it seemed with Gaslands Refueled released (the second edition of the game), I would just leave it all behind. But fate decided differently and for whatever reason I dusted off the rules and decided to make it happen.

Test Of (dis)Honour: Full Game

As I was going through my notes from a game of Test of Honour this past weekend, I realized that it was our first full game. We’ve messed around with my Dojo Assault stuff and we ran through some of the previous edition’s opening scenarios but none of those brought it all together as the complete and likely intended game.

As if to remind me that I still have a bit of work preparing for our next Frostgrave game, we decided to throw down a full (24 point) game of Test of Honour on the frozen ruins of an oddly-themed mapped. Fitting enough though, our minis were all various stages of grey (for now).

Dropzone Commander: Storm Damage

I was able to get another game of Dropzone Commander 2e in over the weekend. This time it was just two of us running 1,500 point builds.  Our resident PHR player and I decided to get some different scenario rules in play so we decided to hit “Battle for the Olympus Shipyards – Clear the Cargo Bays.”  This scenario features confined caverns and storms.  Confined caverns require all aircraft to make a “to the deck” roll at the start of their activation (aircraft destroyed on a 2d6 roll of 2). Also any structures, when destroyed, destroy adjacent units within 3″ instead of 1″. Storms will force the aircraft to fail on a roll of 4 or less instead of 2.

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