With the Prologue ready for testing, I jumped in and did the first run through to see where the theoretical failed and the real game began.

With the Prologue ready for testing, I jumped in and did the first run through to see where the theoretical failed and the real game began.
Another day for the Imperial Service (ISS) of Yu Jing. I’m still catching up on recent games of Infinity and this one was up against Haqqislam. Last time I faced them, I got trounced pretty hard with Dahshat Company. I don’t think it was the failing of Dahshat but rather my inability to see what was most important and execute. I was hoping I learned from that last outing and would do better this time around.
October started Infinity’s next competitive play season (ITS 14) and with it, I moved on from Dahshat Company. As I talked about last time, I’m going to use this season to focus on the Imperial Service Sectorial (ISS) for Yu Jing. Over the last month or so, I’ve been able to get in a few games to reacquaint myself with the strengths and challenges this unique army has to offer.
After my brutal defeat from the Dark Seas campaign, session 1, the Gnomes of Greyrock are back. Wounds have been properly licked and the meager influence D’Chro was able to wield was banked for future use. Teklin actually went down last session and broke his Quicksilver Bangle so I picked up another one for him. Keltin picked up the trait Decisive Attack and Grenben picked up the trait Forceful Blow. We were ready to begin.
Relicblade is coming up strong right now as we close out July. After a few games in person and on virtual, both Friend Mark and Friend Sean and I have decided to do a campaign (separately, I’ll be doing a campaign with each of them). Due to my limited models and lack of creativity, I’m starting both campaigns with the same load out.
Having repelled the Deep from their incursion on Greyrock, my gnomish band ventured out into worlds unknown. The Relicblade bug infected my Colorado comrades, causing Friends Sean and Colton to pick up bands of hapless adventurers as well. As they get their models up to snuff for their own engagements, I did an intro game for Sean virtually through the magic of Tabletop Simulator.
With my band all painted, local Friend Mark and I decided to throw down. I met Mark through all my Infinity league play. When I casually mentioned Relicblade, he said he had been eyeing that game as well and we both bought.
With the conclusion of the Block 2, we are halfway through our Infinity Escalation League. This block was 200 points, no link teams, no smoke, no TAGs. Remotes were and have been available and it was a day for Rui Shi, party master remote extraordinaire.
I got the chance to take some decent shots of my new Dahshat recruits for Infinity: Fiddler, Aristeia’s ex-Toymaker and Valerya Gromoz. I’m pretty sure Corvus Belli purposely put that ‘s close to the ex-Toymaker part for some additional lulz and I applaud them for the additional crude humor.
For the third and final act of my Dracula’s America solo campaign, Little Church has been swayed by the fire and brimstone preachings of Father Meindrach. He has swayed some of the town that these new heroes are nothing more but Godless heathens come to bring them under a new and terrible yoke. It’ll be up to Wyatt and his posse to weather this day of wrath and end Meindrach’s misguided teachings.
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