a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: army painter

Mind The Gap

Switching gears once again, I jumped over to Joan of Arc to mess with the biggest “miniature” I’ve ever owned, the legendary Dragon. This mini almost single-handedly sold me on the game before I had a chance to play it, as I imagine it did for many other folks. I basically saw it in the display case at Gen Con, turned around immediately and ran off to find my friend. I then hauled him over to look at it as well and we switched up a lot of our plans to make sure we demoed the game.

Having the dragon mini in hand, it is quite an amazing piece and equally challenging to prep.

Infinity Yu Jing: Red Veil

After my color scheme was finalized, I got to work painting up the first few models and made some good progress. It took some time settling on a color to match what I produced on the screen but I got something that was close enough using Army Painter’s Lava Orange with a healthy does of GW’s Agrax Earthshade wash.

Gaslands Templates Complete

Not much to this update but I was able to finish up my Gaslands templates.

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