Several hours of work in today to get this Infinity TAG complete. I started of with darkening the orange but it wasn’t clean like I hoped so I went over it all again and really darkened it to get back to my standard Yu Jing scheme.

Since I couldn’t go a clean route with the armor, I went back to my old style and started outlining again. But first, some details like the sword and other armor sections need to start.

These were just some first layers as I started to work out the rest of the model.

Next up was the main gun with some dry brush highlighting and fixing some of the upper armor parts.

Edge highlighting complete. I likely should stepped down to a smaller brush. I might see if I can blend out some of the thicker lines to help clean it all up tomorrow but today I was pretty set to get it as close to final as possible.

Finally, I messed with the sword quite a bit to do some blending, kind of like attempting so non-metallic metal style but in green and white. Then I finished off the sword pommel and hilt and tidied up anything else.

This brings the model to about 98% done for me. I’ll take another look with fresh eyes tomorrow and then start on the basing. Im doing something special for this base so it with be a bit more involved.