Today Gen Con Online’s event registration goes live and while there are a lot less events this year, I was able to throw my hat in the ring to keep a Gen Con tradition alive: Remote Loopin’ Chewie!
I’ll have more info as we have it but when Gen Con moved to a strictly online option this year, it coincided with an idea I’d been thinking about for a while now: an automated Loopin Chewie board.
I first saw the idea when I stumbled upon Mario Lucas‘ Maker Faire entry where he created a complete automated Loopin’ Louie firing mechanism. All of his source is on Thingiverse and you should check out the videos he has on the device in action.
Using his concepts and initial designs as the template, Reese and I set out to modify it for Loopin’ Chewie with the eventual goal of creating not an automated version to watch, but rather a virtually-controlled version of the game. Maybe the first remote-operated dexterity game out there.
Reese loved the idea and dove head first into the concept and eventual design you see in the top image is all his doing. We have been running tests to fine tune the system but we reached a point were we saw the game as actually playable in this environment. “Playable” should be taken with some heavy caveats but we are excited to bring this virtual option to an open environment like Gen Con. While nothing can replace the in-person environment, we’re hoping this version gives creates some fun experiences that we can all take away in this very different time we face.
I’ll have more info with videos and pics as we get closer to the event but with registration opening today, I have the event up and ready for all those willing to try out an experimental new frontier in the world of Loopin’ Chewie!
When my son and I put our wish lists together, this was right at the top since we’re fans of DIY robotics and the game. He got Loopin’ Chewie out of the basement and started “training” last night. Thanks for putting it together!
Excellent Mike! I hope you enjoy it and it should be pretty interesting to see how it ultimately goes.
Russ Spears
The ideas you come up with amaze me 🙂
Thanks Russ!