a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: loopin louie

Gen Con Online

Today Gen Con Online’s event registration goes live and while there are a lot less events this year, I was able to throw my hat in the ring to keep a Gen Con tradition alive: Remote Loopin’ Chewie!

Gen Con 2018, T-minus 203 days

The beginning of the year doesn’t just include resolutions and goals but it means preparations.  Even though August is a ways off, planning for the biggest show of the year, Gen Con, starts now.  Yesterday, the first volley of activity for this great convention started with the opening of event submissions.

Showcase: Loopin’ Chewie

So one of the main points of this blog is to not only talk about techniques to pimp your game and talk about what is going on in the industry but also show off my completed projects. I plan on making these “showcase” posts when I finish up a project but since I have a backlog of completed work already, for now I will be discussing some of my favorite games that started me on the this path.

Up first is one of my favorite remakes: Loopin’ Chewie.

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