Lately, I’ve gotten back into comics and I jumped all-in on a big crossover event in the DC universe, Dark Nights Metal. It’s a massive, crazy story line that has pushed me into a lot of different comic titles as the events spill across the DC Universe. I haven’t been in a comic book store in twenty years or more so its been interesting coming back into that hobby. I don’t expect to stay in the hobby full time but it’s nice to jump in on occasion.
Category: 2017 6×6 gaming challenge Page 2 of 4
Today we had our first game of our Dropzone Commander 2017 Winter Campaign at Funtastic Games. It was 999 point Skirmish-sized game with 6 players in attendance. Before I left, I had a few minutes and decided to try out a quick proof of concept I’d been thinking of: a pimped out spinner for Indirect Fire deviation (and anything else that needs a random direction).
So after Gen Con, I thought I’d have more time but sadly, that didn’t happen as I had another trip planned- a belated anniversary trip to Scotland.
Early last week I got a reminder that a group of us were going to hit Dropzone Commander this past weekend. I had some units that were still primed from my big priming spree before winter so I decided to blitz through a few and finish them up.
Now that we’re in July, I thought I’d take a quick moment to recap where I’m at with my 6×6 Gaming Challenge. I always keep the running total up-to-date at the top, under my “About” header.
The good news is every game on my list has been played at least once. Even better news is I’m sitting at 20 games/sessions played out of 36 for the challenge so I’m beating the curve by a good 5%. Let’s look at the details:
As part of my 6×6 Gaming Challenge, I decided to add Pandemic Legacy to try to get a commitment out of my game group to go through this game from start to finish. We tried Risk Legacy long ago but it eventually fell apart and we never got to fully explore the game. I’m not sure how common this is with gaming groups but the fear of opening a legacy game, permanently destroying, adding, and altering the game state but never finishing it is so heavy that I’d rather have the game sit in shrink and never played than be played half-assed.
After a break, our team concluded our 2-game mini-cup with a 2-lap session of Nürburg. We all took a moment to re-tool our cars and I decided to create a lop-sided car with an 80 acceleration and a 40 deceleration. To help compensate for all the late braking I might need to do, I dropped my skill in favor of more wear tokens.
After the bidding, I did slightly better than last time and came in 4th position.
As I recapped earlier, we were able to run a small 2-race CFR championship at our game gathering, CabinCon. Since we had some new players, we ran a quick demo of the track through the first turn. I showed the rest of players how to crash out in spectacular fashion by pushing my car 60 mph over the top cornering speed and rolling boxcars (12).
With a couple of turns under their belt, everyone was ready to build their cars and start up the actual race.
In prepping for our CabinCon weekend, I pushed through and painted up a few more minis in case we decided to play a bigger 200 point game.
It’s been awhile but my Comic Wednesday is back with another issue of The Real Adventures of Rick and Glenn! This time, we go back to Atlanta to explore the old stomping grounds of Rick and Glenn in another scenario from the Days Gone Bye expansion.
If you missed the previous issue, you can find it it my Comics link in the top menu.