Tag: mantic games Page 1 of 11
I know this month has been spammed with my short painting sprints everyday but it’s not just paint, sometimes I ink too.
To end out this 2019, I decided to post my first Operation: Last Train report. Though I’ve been mostly cobbling together existing miniatures to get this game going, it still took a while for me to get it to the table.
As mentioned earlier, I wasn’t happy seeing more of the original color tokens on the board so I went and remade a few of the last ones and Reese was able to print them up quickly. There are still a few tokens left but they are for specific scenarios so I’ll deal with them as they come.
I initially called this “comic styling” or “sketched” but in doing a little more research, lining an all white mini in heavy black ink is more akin to what a comic book inker would do. This process in comic books is the final stage before the colorist and letterer finish the comic book proper. The inker would clean up the original artist’s pencil lines and decide on balance with the final black lining. There is a lot more art to it than simple tracing (as Chasing Amy would argue).
I’m no artist so I’m basically tracing but I’ll try to achieve a higher calling and call it “inking.” After having my first attempt sitting on my desk, I couldn’t stop checking it out so I’ve decided to go full bore and Ink all of Mantic’s Here’s Negan Walking Dead board game.
While I’m taking a little break from painting, I did have some items that I completed but never mentioned. One of them is what I will use for the Dropship in the charity-based miniatures game Operation Last Train. This game by Joseph McCullough features volunteer soldiers rescuing survivors from a planet overrun with enemies. To get in and out quickly, the teams need to move fast and Mantic’s TAD-65 Hornet Dropship from their Warpath miniatures game.
With my game challenges over, I’ve been giving some thought to how I consume this hobby, both in what/how I play and what I actually buy. Running some stats on the challenge I did complete, the 100 unique games, showed some interesting trends that confirm some suspicions I’ve had on where I’m going in this hobby.
Lots of Walking Dead: All Out War news is coming in from Mantic now. Their blog is dedicating the week to hype up the upcoming fifth Wave of the game and even though I was a little down based on the news I heard from Gen Con, the content for Wave 5 is still sounding strong.
With my Gen Con days concluded, I only have a quick wrap-up of some final thoughts and this year’s spoils.
With half of the Con down, Saturday started with the usual crush of weekend attendees. I tend to avoid the dealer hall on the weekend as it is just too crowded. Instead, I had my Dropzone Commander event in the main event hall.