a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: knight models

The Ruined City: Tunnels And Ramps

Earlier this week I had started on my new Dropzone Commander layout, tentatively titled “The Ruined City.” I’ve now completed my double canal set and started working on other options like ramps to get from the base (table) level to the second level where most of the board will reside.

Gen Con Recap 2019: Day 2

With Day 1 of Gen Con down, my main dealer hall day comes up and I have several games I want to see in action to judge if they are shelf-worthy.

Dipping Into The Animated Series

Batman The Animated Series was a staple cartoon that I watched as a kid and when I first got into Knight Model’s Batman Miniature Game, I was excited to see that they had some Animated Series figures.  Unfortunately, they only had a handful of minis and with the game being heavily skirmish-based, you couldn’t make much of a team out of their offerings.  The minis were great but they needed more of it.

Batman! A Tale of Metal and Dice

Lately, I’ve gotten back into comics and I jumped all-in on a big crossover event in the DC universe, Dark Nights Metal.  It’s a massive, crazy story line that has pushed me into a lot of different comic titles as the events spill across the DC Universe.  I haven’t been in a comic book store in twenty years or more so its been interesting coming back into that hobby.  I don’t expect to stay in the hobby full time but it’s nice to jump in on occasion.

Back to the Grind

Having finally finished up my Gen Con 50 reports, I jumped back into prepping some miniatures.  I started with a Knight Model for the Batman Miniature Game.

Gen Con 50 Recap Day 2

As I said in my Day 1 report, seeing the Time of Legends: Joan of Arc display case had me ditching events to check it out in the dealer hall.   My friend and I lined up at the appropriate entrance and bee-lined to the Mythic Games booth to sit down for a demo as soon as the hall opened.

I’m Batman. Miniature Game

As I posted in my 6×6 Game Challenge, one of the games I want to hit as part of the challenge is the Batman Miniature Game.  I have the new Suicide Squad box set to get going and it comes with an interesting campaign that I’m hoping to run through. Before all that can start, I have some work to do.

CabinCon 2016 Recap part 2

So Thursday was technically over and Friday had begun but I was still keyed up from The Walking Dead game I ran and winning a game of Liar’s Dice so our resident night owl and I started up a game of Mottainai before calling it quits and heading to bed.


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