a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: fusion 360

Fill My Eyes

After my first game with the Lu Duan holoecho remote, I realized I needed some holoecho markers to confuse my opponents. I don’t have any spare 55mm bases lying around but I do have this 3D printer thingie. Maybe that will work.

with that double vision

Truth In Advertising

Sean was talking about spicing up our terrain for Infinity and there was a Micro Arts Studio scatter piece that I really liked so instead of picking it up, I decided to try my hand at making my own.

The Ruined City: Tunnels And Ramps

Earlier this week I had started on my new Dropzone Commander layout, tentatively titled “The Ruined City.” I’ve now completed my double canal set and started working on other options like ramps to get from the base (table) level to the second level where most of the board will reside.

Skinning A Thief

For a few years now (or actually closer to a decade), my group and I have wondered about a curious deduction game called Master Thieves. This game centers around a wooden jewelry box contraption that the players manipulate to gain resources and win the game. We first encountered the game at BGG Con long ago but never tried it. With a $170 price tag on the secondary market and the game out of print, buying the game outright is a huge risk. Luckily, we have the technology to rebuild him. or her. it?

Going Medieval

I had a chance to play Matt Leacock’s new game Era: Medieval Age at Gen Con and instantly liked it. The quality components and the full “city building” game style was immediately appealing. I didn’t pick it up at the Con as I didn’t want to fight the crowds and haul it home but I finally picked it up and got it to the table.

New Models And Brown Dudes

Gen Con is steadily approaching and I’ve got a few more irons in the fire before I go. I’m not sure what all I’ll finish up but we’ll give it a go and see what works before time runs out. Up first is a project I’ve had in mind for years now and I’m finally getting somewhere with it thanks to the help of Colton and Reese.

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