a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: a song of ice and fire

Gen Con 2018 Day 1

Day one Gen Con 2018 passed with a blur as I filled my schedule with events. It started off with X-wing 2.0’s preview tournament. This turned out to be more “preview” than “tournament” but was pretty fun even if winning didn’t actually mean anything.

Thoughts On A Game Of A Game Of Thrones

So after our first game of A Song of Ice & Fire Miniatures Game, I’ve had some time to collect my thoughts.  As a quick recap, we played a 30 point “small” game using only the starter set. The army lists were netdecked from the Kickstarter updates that featured some initial build lists.

Unexpected Arrivals

Move over Walking Dead, without warning, this arrived the yesterday:

I knew it was en route generally speaking but didn’t get a tracking number or anything for this new CMON monstrosity.  The game was highly anticipated and is none other than the new A Song of Ice & Fire Tabletop Miniatures Game. That is a pretty big mouthful so I’ll shorten it to ASOIF for short.

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