a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

April 30 For 30 Paint Challenge: Day 12

Day 12 has me starting something new (still getting through Infinity though). I finally started up on the Guijia Squadron, the big TAG for the Yu Jing faction.

This is a pretty big and involved model so I’m going try something a little different in how I approach the armor. It will stay in my normal dark orange but I’ll try to keep it a little cleaner than normal.

The first step is filling in all those exposed under fibers. I do this with all my Yu Jing but this time I’m making sure to only touch the fibers instead of just doing the full model.

There will be a ton of orange to pay but I’m excited to this guy going.


April 30 For 30 Paint Challenge: Day 11


Infinity Progress

1 Comment

  1. Russ Spears

    I get the feeling this is going to be a fun one to watch.

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