It’s been a while since I’ve posted but not for a lack of content but maybe the opposite. Lots of things going on as I pushed through the end of the Infinity Escalation League and visited friends in Dallas but not a lot of down time to catch up. I’m trying that now as I shake off the bad leavings of an annoying bout of covid. The last Block of full games came and went and ended up being a prep for our first local tournament.

A lot of great things went on in the Escalation League. I grew my Dahshat Company force to a solid 300 points and then some. Overall, eighteen new models and got in 11 different games over the league play. Playing that much earned me a solid 3rd place in the league (points are determined through games played, playing fully painted lists, and completing various additional tasks during games). I was able to bring fully painted lists to 90% of the games I played and was very happy to see all the backlog I was able to clear.
A couple of the new comers I brought in were the Cube Jaeger that I proxy for Libertos since I don’t care for the actual Liberto model.

This is the standard sculpt for the Cube Jaeger model that I painted as part of the Steve Garcia masterclass. I tried using the same techniques and color scheme and was happy with the way it matched up with my LE model.
I also got to add the Defiance limited edition sculpt for Father Lucien Sforza. This bounty hunter can do some fun tricks and I love the LE sculpt over the standard one.

I decided to try something new and really lean into the zenithal highlighting I did, mainly in the face.

The digital zoom on my phone really jacks things up so I’ll try again later with a real camera. Really happy with the style I got out of his face. Love the model so I just want to use him in all my lists now whether he’s needed or not.
With the league over, we had a two week break until the league host put on a tournament. I’ve played plenty of tournaments for various games but this would be my first for Infinity. I didn’t get a chance to practice anything in between but was feeling like I started to learn Dahshat Company well enough to bring.
I was apparently very wrong. Whatever I thought I knew either didn’t apply or too many things conspired against me and I ended up dead last out of 12 players. It was quite humbling as I’ve never bombed like that. The tournament was fun and it was a great experience but I’ll need to really rethink my approach to Infinity if I ever want to jump back into the competitive side of things.
For all my troubles though, I did get a lot of Swag. From both the league and the tournament itself. There was a “last place” prize that was actually a Haqqislam starter set (wrong Haqqislam sectorial to actually add to my Dahshat Company but still nice).

From the league, I was able to pick up a set of three MDF comms towers from Warsenal, Saito Togan Mini (for Dahshat), and the Dynamo Light Cavalry unit (which I’ll convert to Kum Riders for Dahshat). The tournament scored the Haqqislam Hassassin sectorial starter, a Classifieds deck holder, a big random terrain piece, a great set of silhouette standees that include the S8 size I need for the Maghariba Guard unit, and finally some dice and little S2 Silhouette standees that make great additions for missions with a bunch of extra civilians running around.
All-in-all, it was a great experience and I met a lot of great gamers. The group up in Austin are a lot of fun and I look forward to playing more games with them soon.