a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: tabletopsimulator

Happy Almost New Year!

You, know, the Chinese one. Less than a week away and all. Like the groundhog that came out only to squint in the oppressive light and wonder just what the hell he’s been doing, I have emerged from hibernation to catch up. It has been a little while since I posted but it hasn’t been all mai tais and hoop skirts. The new year brought a new role at work and some other life changes (all good-ish) that will disrupt my hobby and gaming time a bit more before it is all over. In the meantime, we can catch up.

Infinity TTS: Battle Of The Bands

Infinity TTS: Yu Jocks Versus Nerdmads

Infinity TTS: Invincible Army Versus Nomad

The Gang Is All Here

I hope everyone is having a happy Thanksgiving. In a weirdly apt turn of events, I continued on with my digital model recreations and was able to get a workable army together for some digital Infinity. This digital “family” kind of reminded me of all the digital interactions we’ve been doing since this whole mess began.

It’s In The Computer

After a third failed attempt at doing Infinity outside and the rising risk levels for COVID-19 again, I’ve resigned to go back to virtual/zoom gaming for the time being. Infinity is on Tabletop Simulator but that brought up a good question from my friends: will you still paint figures? I initially thought “yes, of course” and decided I wouldn’t play with virtual pawns unless I had that figure ready and painted up.

That may seem silly but then I stumbled on the work of Infinity youtuber VaulSC and Dice From Hell and found something amazing.

Going To Be A Long Summer

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