a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: panoceania

Block 2 Complete

With the conclusion of the Block 2, we are halfway through our Infinity Escalation League. This block was 200 points, no link teams, no smoke, no TAGs. Remotes were and have been available and it was a day for Rui Shi, party master remote extraordinaire.

Past Efforts

As this transition to life in Texas stretches onward, I’ve struggled to work on anything new. Most of my gaming and hobby time has grind to a halt as we wait for our house to finish up and most of my stuff stuck in storage. There are some signs of light at the end of the tunnel as things look to close in the next couple months. Still a ways to go but soon we’ll measure the time in weeks and days instead of vague months. That being said, I did have some projects I finished up right before the move and was able to carve out some time today to showcase them properly.

CabinCon Infinity, Or How To Spoil Things

While I only played a small part of one game of Infinity at CabinCon, playing just one model in between two warring factions was pretty fun. There was very little risk or reward for me but it was a wildcard for Sean and Colton playing the full scenario. I tried not to play spoiler or kingmaker and really just play more character driven. This led to some imbalance as I started picking on Colton’s units that kept aggro-ing me but it was still a fun little skirmish.

Infinity Full Sample

I still want to finish up the Operation Red Veil final mission but I got an opportunity to throw down a full 300 point game this weekend and put together a quick report. Due to time constraints and my inexperience with the rules, we only got to play one full round but it was enough to see the game in more detail.

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