a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: masked men

Ninjas With A Side Of Ronin

I was able to base up the new Test of Honour figures so I got them primed up to prepare them for painting. The process was quick as I haven’t put a lot of effort into basing my TOH figures (just white glue and sand) but they came out nice and I’m looking forward to getting some paint on them.


I was looking around for Test of Honour ninjas because they are becoming rare now that the game has moved on from Warlord Games. I’m sure Grey For Now will create ninjas for the game but I really liked the sculpts of those 1st edition miniatures. I have a set of my own but in my searching, I stumbled across this user did an amazing conversion using the ninja sculpts and the heads from the Masked Men set.

from dakka dakka, conversion by AlfonsoTheTraitor

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