a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: gen con Page 1 of 6

Kill Team Second Chance

Kill Team got a revamp in the second half of 2021 and from the changes I was hearing, GW got my attention again. I did not have a good go at Kill Team 2018 as the rules just didn’t seem like something I’d like when I demoed it at a Warhammer store and then the terrible demo job I experienced at Gen Con a few months later nailed the coffin tight. But that is all in the past. Let’s see what got me back on the Kill Train.

More Loopin’ Chewie Testing

Gen Con Online is this week and we have been testing and perfecting the remote experience to fine tune the experience. In early July we had gotten things to a stable state that included separate control boards for each paddle. This helped to make sure that command responses were tied to the specific paddle you were playing with and would not be hung up by the board trying to sequence multiple inputs at one time.

Going To Be A Long Summer

Gen Con 2019: Haul

With Gen Con over and my Recaps done, I finally had time to put everything away and get life back to normal. While putting everything back is never the most exciting thing to do, it does give me time to see what all I came home with.

Gen Con Recap 2019: Day 3

After running my events Friday night, Saturday is typically for me and where I stack most of my events. Typically, Saturday is the busiest day in the dealer hall so it works out well. Still… I can’t stay away so I had some time before my 11:00 am event so I went on tour.

Gen Con Recap 2019: Day 1

Like every year, I think I’ll have time during the show to update things but that never happens. The convention is just too busy and entertaining to stop and post so as I settle back into to post-Con life, I get the energy to recapture the magic before too much of the memories fade. Because my photos are in order, it’s easiest to just go through things each day.

Gen Con 2019 Day 0

After a hectic last few days, I made it into Indy for the unofficial Gen Con start. Travel went smoothly and, due to time and packing concerns, I didn’t bring anything fragile this time so no broken minis to fix.

Even though the Con doesn’t start until tomorrow, the Fantasy Flight Report happened and was an interesting kickoff to the show.

Double Vision

Gen Con 2019 is rapidly approaching and as I started up my annual trophy creation, I was trying to think of what diabolical new challenge I through at the Loopin’ Chewie Tournament group. Since I have to cannibalize a full Loopin’ Chewie set every three years, I had to pick up a new one this year and was left with some extra pieces.

Sell Outs and Liars

Gen Con events went live this weekend and things went pretty smooth on my end. It is usually a frustrating time as their site crumbles under the weight of thousands of gamers furiously refresh their screens trying to get events. Either the events I prefer these days aren’t popular or I got in early in the queue but there wasn’t really anything that sold out for me. Well except for my hosted events.

But I can’t count that as a bad thing.

Gen Con 2019 Events

This past Sunday, Gen Con released their 2019 event listings (or at least the first crop of them). As I’ve done for the past eleven years, I’ll be heading out to Indy this August and for the fourth year in a row, I’ll be hosting a few events at the Con.

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