a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: frostgrave Page 1 of 5

Too Many Minis

I saw this meme floating around shortly after the new year (Happy New Year, btw!). It is the old joke of having too many minis and yet always wanting more. During COVID, other similar memes were going around talking about “what you did during lockdown” and posts talking about painting complete Warhammer 40k armies and other lofty goals. Like many, I also have way too many minis and keep buying more but I looked at this year and saw the bragging joke and thought “what if I could still say this on December 31?”

Colorado Dreamin’

Summer is coming to a close and I was able to get the kids up to Colorado before school started. We were supposed to go in June but I got COVID so that derailed things and we pushed it to early August (replacing our pilgrimage to Gen Con). We’re still figuring out how to work out the kinks in getting “back to normal.” At the same time, I got a chance to get in some gaming with friends. With me coming back into town, we tried to pull another Cabin Con together but only three of us were available with the late notice and the normal cabin out of commission for renovations, it was more of a jump start to realign.

Happy Almost New Year!

You, know, the Chinese one. Less than a week away and all. Like the groundhog that came out only to squint in the oppressive light and wonder just what the hell he’s been doing, I have emerged from hibernation to catch up. It has been a little while since I posted but it hasn’t been all mai tais and hoop skirts. The new year brought a new role at work and some other life changes (all good-ish) that will disrupt my hobby and gaming time a bit more before it is all over. In the meantime, we can catch up.

Remote Frostgrave

Throughout this whole pandemic, I’ve entertained myself by completing languishing paint projects or coming up with solo options for some of my favorite games. While solo games can create a rewarding experience, the real reason I game is for the social aspects so gaming without that can only sustain me for so long. After a bit of thought and prep, I decided to try something new: Remote Frostgrave.

Going To Be A Long Summer

The Ruined City: Crittertown

With the Feral Vampires complete and now roosting in the Ruined City, I move on to the terrestrial denizens from Dropzone Commander. These creatures originally appeared in the Fauna rules in first edition. TTCombat then revised and reintroduced Fauna for 2nd edition. With enough extra rules floating around and Fauna becoming a viable option for regular army building, it was time I finished them up.

New Prints For 2020

Happy New Year! It has taken me a little longer to get going this year but there are some exciting things brewing. First up is a new hobby toy fresh from the holiday, an Anycubic i3 Mega 3D Printer.

Frostgrave: War On Christmas

With the holiday season mere moments away from its major event, we decided to get together and throw a festive-inspired Frostgrave game. Sean had the main idea and so he and I tag-teamed with him picking up a centerpiece for the terrain and I would grab some minis to serve as our treasure-seeking foils. The war on Christmas has begun.

The Perilously Perilous Dark

Lest it be said I spend all my time tracing white primed minis, friend Colton picked up the new Frostgrave book, Perilous Dark and we decided to test our mettle against a new challenge: working together.

Too Soon?

from Knight Models’ Facebook page

Yes. Yes it is.

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