a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: kitbashing

Always Two There Are; No More, No Less

A master and an apprentice.  We’re going to focus on that apprentice today.  His name is Tog and he seemed very un-apprentice looking in my Frostgrave Warband.  When we last left him oh so many months ago, he was based a little and still very “master of hunt.”


As part of my kitbashing experiment, I ordered up a couple of Dropzone Commander Leviathan hovercrafts to customize into some wacky new additions for the Resistance faction. As fate would have it, they came in and I was able to check out Mortal Engines in theaters.  Sounds like the perfect time to start my custom rig.

Dropzone Kitbashing

The folks over at TTCombat have launched a kitbashing contest this winter on their Facebook page (you’ll need to be a member of their group for that link to work). The concept sounds fun and since I’ve been messing around with Dropzone so much, I’d take a stab at the contest as well.

More Than Meets The Eye

Holy Epic Crossover! I’ve had this mod in my queue for a while now but I’m happy that I finally broke it out and was able to finish it up.

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